Originally Posted by Soyweiser
Infernal prison is still the easiest option btw. Catching the guy is going to be the problem. You need to be able to guess where he is going.
Too bad i have 0 in this research cause i have a guys with blood 6 fire 3 and astral 3. he has everything needed to TP and cast.
I think i will keep this solution if others fail.
Originally Posted by Deathblob
Try Mind Hunt with your god. Those boots let him teleport around without a lab. Still, the Mind Hunt will catch him 50% of the time, depending on ritual cast order. Use Pen items like Soy suggested. Mind Hunt gets a secret Pen bonus that plain old Soul Slay doesn't have, too. When the god's in your dom, his MR is weaker. So continue to blood sac.
Unfortunately we are fighting in what used to be his lands, to be more precise most of his remaining land are those with a fort on it, so the dom his him atm.
But i ll give a try to mind hunt also. ty