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Old October 6th, 2011, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: Adept's Balance Mod 1.00 ready

Originally Posted by Jiggymike View Post

I thought that I read "all pikemen get a bonus against mounted units" but that may have been from a different game. Maybe I just got that idea because cavalry tend to have short weapons and therefore longer weapons like spears and pikes are more effective at repelling their attacks.
Pikes don't have any hidden perks in Dominions. Their advantage over cavalry is their long reach, which means they get repel checks vs. everybody. Unfortunately at least the top level cavalry (knights, royal guard...) have such high morale that they press their attacks anyway, just taking the occasional 1 point hit from the repel check.

Glaives had very high damage (10), but -1 to both attack and defence. This mod brings the damage down to a still respectable 8 and makes them attack 0, defence +1 weapons in handiness.
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