Originally Posted by Flop
Alright, so I have more questions, this time regarding magic and communions. I've been reading Baalz' guide, and I'm wondering about the section on reverse communions:
...yeah. Not the easiest subject in the barrel.
Originally Posted by Flop
It sounds good, but I'm not sure I understand some of the mechanics. As I understand, a communion slave casting spells, will not benefit from the communion (no extra levels, for the purposes of casting and fatigue), so in order to boost them two levels, so using the example given above, how does an S1 mage gain two levels? The only possibilities I can see, is if one of the masters casts Light of the Northern Star (or is carrying the banner), or if multiple castings of Power of the Spheres stack, in which case I've been playing the game wrong. 
One Light of the Northern star. One Power of the Spheres. Light of the Northern Star doesn't need the communion. Using a reverse communion to get a bunch of S1's to S3 means you save the gems.
Originally Posted by Flop
Also, I've been trying a few reverse communions, but my slaves often go off script
yes. Yes, they do.
I've had such unusual experiences trying to set up reverse communions that unless I'm playing solo, I won't even try it. I've had them work perfectly in test battles and then fail spectacularly when facing a live foe. I don't want that.
On the other hand....the idea of a reverse communion...using the magic system in such a way that the designer never intended ...that's one of the appeals of the richness of the game. I just wish it was more reliable.