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Old February 1st, 2012, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: EA Ermor healing and healing mechanics

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
Originally Posted by archaeolept View Post
the numbers still don't fit w/ what rabelais seemed to be experiencing, unless these were undead units, or afflictions due to age, or all extremely intransigent ones like neverhealing wound.

in my experience, healers, like the faerie queen, seem to be extra-ordinarily bad at healing much; i'm not quite sure why.
I have to agree with this. Whilst playing marignon in glory
I routinely has 30+ diseased sages, with a faerie quean that was attempting to heal them.

I don't remember her *ever* curing a disease.
My apologies in advance for responding to an old thread, but I've done some informal testing of EA Ermor's healing ability in a solo game, and I noticed something odd: There seems to be some type of game mechanic that prevents effective healing when there are certain types of incurable afflictions in the same province.

This is purely anecdotal, but I had about 10 mixed healers (between 20 and 30 ability) in a province trying to heal two units that I purposely feebleminded via mind hunt. In that same province, I also had a feebleminded sphinx pretender and several old, diseased units, all of whom were incurable. I was never able to heal anybody even after many (10+) turns of trying.

However, when I moved a three of the healers and the two feebleminded (but curable) units to another province, they were healed within a turn or two.

My guess is that the healers kept trying to heal incurable afflictions over and over again. I'd suggest separating the terminal patients from the units you want to heal and see if that improves anything.
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