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Old March 13th, 2012, 05:11 AM

Aderion Aderion is offline
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Default Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

Thanks for the quick responses. But they did not fully clearify the issue for me.

Originally Posted by Legendary League View Post
Yeah, you could've started your attack one turn earlier (since I received your cancellation notice turn...15 I believe).

The cancellation period is basically how much notice the opposing nation gets of the attack before hand (so NAP-0 means attack goes along with the notice, NAP-1 means the turn after they receive the message before the attack begins, etc.). So if they receive the cancellation message on turn 22, you can attack on turn 24. If you sent it out on turn 24 (so they'd receive it on turn 23), then you can attack on turn 25 (i.e. battles can break out, and you can send the orders in with turn 24). Dat make sense?
Lets assume the following example:
We have a NAP-x and I send the cancelation to you in turn 15.
According to what you (Legendary) and Revenant wrote, I can give attack orders in turn 15+x.

I think my misunderstanding arises from the me thinking that the battles actually occur in the season (turn) in which the attack orders were given and not in the next turn. If this is really the case, than I would deduce that in the above example, attack orders could be given in turn 15 + (x+1).

But if your interpretation is the one most people share, than thats no problem for me and I will consider it for future NAPs.
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