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Old March 28th, 2012, 07:18 AM
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Default Re: Man: A Bless nation in CBM 1.92?

Originally Posted by Nightfall View Post
Vanheim and Eriu thugs scale into mid game a bit better, at the cost of gems
Since when did glamour, mistform and air shield start costing gems? BTW, Sidhe Lord with barkskin tops Lord Warden in protection.
but the wardens catch back up when battlefield enchantments come in.
What enchantments? Arrow Fend, Fog Warriors and Growing Fury? Of all those only Fog Warriors is universally useful. You can`t have Army of Lead without either empowering+forging+summoning with E1 crone for 90 E gems total, or being lucky with super-rare E2 Crone AND still spending 60 E gems for forging+summoning. Add 50 E for every Weapons of Sharpness caster.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
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