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Old April 11th, 2012, 02:08 PM

Shangrila00 Shangrila00 is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod v1.92

Originally Posted by earcaraxe View Post
I wanted to clear that up if we are arguing about "unplayable" or "not strong enough".
Actually only Ghoul was arguing either unplayable, or not strong enough, and he really didn't say much beyond that. Executor was (and still is?) arguing that Ashdod is impossible to balance with Adonim because it was and still is massively OP, and I was arguing against that. There was also a side argument on whether or not some of the nerfs against Ashdod were justified, with the understanding that no, the nerfs don't make Ashdod weak, but neither would the lack of them make Ashdod OP, and so CBM didn't really have any business making those changes for thematic reasons.

Edit: somewhat lost in the shuffle was how Seren can be made useable. Which is related as Anakite armor being the worst heavy armor in the game is one reason nobody would recruit them, as cheap as they are.

Last edited by Shangrila00; April 11th, 2012 at 02:17 PM..
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