Re: UnitGen - Random nations with procedural sprites!
If possible (please) could you alter the routines so that not every race gets an heavy armed variant of each infantry ? Something like a 50 % chance to spawn a heavy variant would be great (for me). In additionn, please alter the amount of base types so that not each race gets 4 melee weapon variants. If you dont feel like altering it in general, would you kindly explain to me where these values are stored ?
Regarding the mace/flail thingy, i was mistaken. It was not a mace, it was a morning star. I.e. many races had units with a flail artwork but a morning star equipment. I will run another 10 nations today evening and if i spot anything, i will post it.
Here are the mods i was able to find.
-- 64: decay
#unitname "prefix warped"
#unitname "suffix 'of warp'"
-- 216: Fire
#unitname "prefix charring"
#unitname "suffix 'of char'"
-- raising
#unitname "prefix soulbound"
#unitname "suffix 'of reanimation'"
"answering their gods call, %unitname% armed with both faith and %weapons%, they are staying true to their believe"
"recruited into service, %unitname% are now leaving their holy ground, bringing justice in their gods name"
"wilding %weapons% blessed by faith, %unitname% is now forcing everyone to acknowledge the one true god"
"The %unitname% of %nation% long studies make them knowledgeable in %magics%"
"The %unitname% of %nation% are born with an affinity in %magics%"
"The %unitname% of %nation% have reached expertise in %magics% due to long training"
planar 3 astral earth death
maelstrom 3 fire death nature
putrid 2 death nature
gorgonic 2 death nature
Acashic 3 astral
-- Generic
#name "divine"
#tag "notsuffix"
#basechance 1
#name "just"
#tag "notsuffix"
#basechance 1
-- Nature
#name "firstborn"
#basechance 0
#chanceinc "magic nature 1"
#tag "notsuffix"
#name "primordial"
#basechance 0
#chanceinc "magic nature 1"
#tag "notsuffix"
-- Crosspath
#name "hellbent"
#basechance 0
#tag "notsuffix"
#chanceinc "magic earth fire 2"
#name "radiant"
#basechance 0
#tag "notsuffix"
#chanceinc "magic fire astral 2"
#name "devouring"
#basechance 0
#tag "notsuffix"
#chanceinc "magic earth nature 2"
Last edited by Ragnarok-X; April 11th, 2012 at 02:42 PM..