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Old April 22nd, 2012, 06:54 PM

LDiCesare LDiCesare is offline
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Default Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (Now Discussing Turns 1-3)

Originally Posted by Shardphoenix View Post
Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
Sure : For 10 gems or so, you have a MR 11 thug who dies to 1 thunderstrike.
Show me 10n-gem thug who doesn`t die to 1 thunderstrike.
And Pan should roll in N gems.
5 N + 5 blood slaves in your example. So with 2 magic paths, any A thug is lightning immune.
Against 1 mage + chaff
Just like a bane. Only bane gets dust2dust instead of soulslain.
NO. Bane: MR = 15. Minotaur: MR = 11. That's four point difference, and this is huge. Banes are much more survivable than this. Andd what size are they, btw?
Most thugs are at least size 3. All ponymen nations, Caelum, giants, banelords...
Not banes, though. And jaguar warriors, warriors of the 5 elements, mechanical men... are all size 2 and slaughter the aforementioned minotaur easily.
Yes, but not if Eagle Kings come knocking.
Eagle Kings = Thunder strike, so your minotaur is fried in this case.

and can't cast MR-negating or AN-damage spells.
No. 29 HP is enough to live through couple AN spells, unless it`s soulslay-grade.
Thunder strike? 26+, AN, usually cast by caelian high kings who are Air 4. Check. And it's Evo 4, so same level as the Cons 4 items required for this build.

The build you describe may have its uses, namely sending it solo against a solo thug who is not a Caelian High King (who would fry it in 1 or 2 of the thunderstrikes he is scripted to cast anyway).

By the way, since you gave the example of a Bane, a (4 gems + 1 turn of summoning) bane beats this (5 gems + 5 slaves + 40 gold + upkeep + 2 turns of forging + 1 turn of recruiting + 1 turn blood hunting) minotaur.
So, it certainly is very situational and probably not worth mentioning unless you face someone sending in solo thugs (it could be a good counter to Helheim for instance, but there are others).
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