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Old April 28th, 2012, 06:28 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 4, 8/12 remainin

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X View Post
I have to say playing without CBM was a grave mistake. So many ****in useless spells, and then so many ****in broken things (like, 20 air gems per turn, regardless of who is benefiting)
CBM has its own balance issues, and a serious lack of documentation regarding its changes.

What has happened in this game that you think would have been totally different in a CBM game? If that global bothers you so much, you have the magic & the gems to dispel it, and there are other options. How is that different in CBM? It's not even a game wining global.

Also, Pythium is a magic powerhouse: at this stage of the game you should have plenty of powerful spell options.
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