Thread: A new crash
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Old June 23rd, 2012, 08:52 PM
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Default Re: A new crash

Originally Posted by Loren View Post

Year 12.


Udum'ukinna (str1093) attacking Rim Mountains (str312) (good 218)
Etimmu (str586) attacking Rim Mountains (str312) (good 20)
Ishu'kallu tag (good 1)
Kush'nah tag (good 95)
createslist lnr 420
createslist lnr 289
NĂ¥got gick fel!
lic: bad lnr
Thanks for all the information.

Etimmu, that means LA Ermor.

Year 12. Let me guess, you also play at a huge map? I think the game ran out of commanders you can recruit. There is a max for this. Try playing the turn again, and try to get as much of your own commanders killed as possible (and don't recruit any new ones). If you can now play a few more turns before the problem arises you have the cause of the problem.

You should upgrade to 3.27 as it fixes a few bugs:

* Utterdark did far too many attacks, fixed.
* Recruitment queues are automatically reset once a fort is under siege.
* 2 x Crash during turn generation fixed.
* Fixed bug where AI would cast vengeance of the dead on empty provinces.
I'm acting like a high school girl /\
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