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Old September 7th, 2012, 11:31 AM

John_Madlock John_Madlock is offline
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Default Re: Patrolling and Unrest

Originally Posted by momfreeek View Post
Results or it never happened!
OK, so here is my test.
Dominium 10, Order 3 (less events), Grow 3. Events rare (even less ugly events XD), Independents 9 (so easy AI Caelum will stuck in his capitol and I have a lot of time). EA Ermor (because has nice all 10 points units).

Patrol: Pontifex (10 precision, 10 AP), 9 Hastatus or Accensus (10 precision, 10 AP). 1 star experience gives +1 precision, I know this, so I check every unit and replace them with fresh troops if needed.
So this is always 10 points patrol

My methodology:
1 - patrol with 200% tax, if no increase/decrease events - note how many kills
2 - patrol with 0% tax, just to drop down unrest to 0. I didn't note kills here, because 0% tax make unrest to 0 and it is zero kills anyway. Those all zeros below (and all kills) are from point 1.
3 - if unrest is 0 - back to step 1.

9, 4, 0, 8, 0, 9, 0, 1, 9, 3, 10 (wow, so 9 was not the maximum), 7, 0, 0, 10, 0
OK, stop, I'm bored XD
No events happened.

Bad formula, bugged RNG, bad test, my bugged hardware?
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