Since I got eliminated from my own mid era game, I'm starting another one (yes, that one will keep running.)
My fair-site script now changes the neighbors of a start site so that they are always large and site-rich, and never swamps, wastelands or deep seas. It doesn't change the graphics, obviously, so this can be anti-aesthetic in some cases - it also changes the gem income balance somewhat but I think it's an acceptable tradeoff, overall.
At the moment, I can't generate wrap-around maps randomly - I'll start a late age game on such a map as soon as that is possible.
In the interim, I'll be starting a second midage game on a fair-start-ified version of Orania. I'll be treating Orania as a "large" map, so there are 10 start sites, each of which has 7 neighbors, with at least 3 provinces on the shortest path between them. *One* is an ocean start.
If at all possible I'd like to start with a blitz, since this otherwise promises to be a very long game - we will upload pretenders and blitz the same evening.
If anyone objects to the Orania default specials I'll remove them - otherwise I'll leave them in.
It will be set at my standard 125% richness level - 125% gold/resources/supplies, 50% site frequency. 15 hall of fame entries, victory by victory points, renaming will, yes, be allowed. Personally I like to leave score graphs on, since they produce much speculation, which in turn leads to paranoia and malice. I'm fine with using the worthy heroes mod (even though it doesn't give Ermor any more heroes

) but I don't want it to be a logistical problem.
Okay, it appears that next Sunday, Dec 10th, will be the blitz, at or around 2PM Eastern Time. Does anyone need to start later in the day?
Called positions:
TNDP - Ermor
Evilhomer - R'lyeh
UninspiredName - Tien Chi
Stages Sanctus - Shinuyama
Tyrant - Caelum
Catquiet - Vanheim
FAJ - Marignon
Reverend Zombie - Man
Baalz - Arco
Morkilus - Jotunheim