This game is on my
World of Geometry (the final .map file and tga are on the maps & mods forum, I won't change anything just fix eventual connection/terrains/command errors untill game start).
This game will start the first week of december.
There are 12 starting locations on the map : 10 land and 2 sea nations, and I hope all will be fullfilled.
The game will be PBEM and the settings...
- VC : 3 cumulative victory points, no added VPs (there is only one VP, the Isle of Eternia ; and the isle is hard to take and harder to defend, as it's connected with 10 provinces, 3 cvp may mean a relatively long game if there is some competition)
- Middle Age
- nations : free choice (first to speak first served)
- Indie Strength : 6 (with all the special encounters and bonus garrisons no need of a high setting)
- HoF : 15
- site frequency : a little more than normal (50)
- master password : (no need on llamaserver)
- renaming allowed
- other settings default
- mod :
Worthy Heroes 1.8
- graphs : On
- house rules : finally no house rule about forts building on the isle but one I think everybody will agree for :
For the 5 first turns, turn will be rehosted if someone suffer a game breaking event - events considered game breaking are only : Bogus, vampire count or other indies succeeding to take the capitol, plague or exodus in the capitol, or a religious event dominion killing the nation ;
unrest events and other little annoyances aren't concerned -
- pace : one turn = 24h for the moment (48h after 10-15 turns/once someone ask, 72 when empires will be big)
Stale rule :
-third non announced stale turn --> AI (but if someone can't play and ask for a reasonable delay -not 37 days

- I will differ the turn of course)
-if you want to stop please tell us before, we'll rather try to find a sub
Note that it's the first dom III game I host.
Players :
- me (Arcocephale)
- Herode (C'Tis)
- davidd (Machaka)
- Solmyr (Atlantis) -> no longer playing
- DryaUnda (Ulm)
- LDICesare (Eriu) -> destroyed
- Indyependant (Ermor)
- Zeldor (Man)
- Tharsonius (Rlyeh) -> A.I (!?)
- Ubercat (Jotunheim) -> A.I
- Mathusalem (Caelum) -> A.I
- Ferrosol (Bandar Log) -> replaced by Gregstorm
The game will be hosted on llamaserver, so you don't need to send me anything,
send your pretenders to pretenders(at)llamaserver(dot)net with KingoftheIsle as the subject, if possible for tomorrow so we can start the 1/12.
- and it's finally useless to give them a password -
llamaserver FAQ)
PS : everyone must
rename the "worldofgeometry.tga" --> "worldofgeometry2.tga" (I'll use a map file with this name, so Zeldor and Tharsonius will have no problem to play another game with the older version)