
January 11th, 2011, 07:50 PM
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Hi People
This is the thread for a five humans vs AI's game.
The map will be Cradle of Dominion, firstly run through the SemiRand program and then passed off to NT Jedi who has offered to improve the AI's chances with a few tricks. Thanks NT Jedi
There are two AI teams, 3 land AI's in a team (Abysia, Niefelheim and Tien Chi) and 1 water AI by itself (Atlantis).
Game Parameters are:
Era: Early Era
Mods: Better Independents 2.1 (click to find the download). We are using the Gold and Resources version.
Patch: 3.26
Renaming: On
Hall of Fame Entries: 15
Gold, Production and Gem Site Frequency: Normal
Research: Hard
Graphs: Off
Turn Timer: I will set the turn timer initially to 48 hours but ask that players, at least up to turn 15, take their turns every 24 hours. Extensions will be granted when asked for. If turns start getting too long the tun timer will be lengthened.
Endomorphious - C'tis
Hrum - Kailasa
Mauxe - Caelum
Thanatus del Dragos - Fomoria
Doo - Tir na n'Og
During play I intend to record the action from my point of view using FRAPS and creating an AAR.
Turns 1 to 16 for Tir na n'Og AAR
Turns 17 to 23 for Tir an n'Og AAR
Last edited by Doo; February 20th, 2011 at 06:21 AM..

January 20th, 2011, 06:12 AM
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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Players who have not picked a nation please do so ASAP.

January 20th, 2011, 10:54 AM
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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Brainstorming time...yea, pretender designed...hmmm...gonna have to think about this...I'm not terribly bright...I don't need a SC becasue I have big *** giants, have to decide on either a rainbow to search for independent mages, as my non capital mages are crap and limited or a bless strategy for my pretty good holy troops and holy mages. Earth and Nature are always a nice choice for giant types, these guys seem to suffer from some end problems...if I go for a bless strategy, then I might as well imprison the god, and make decent order for cash, and research, as my non capital mages are garbage...man, I really am a newb, just can't make a decision yet...going to have to play around tonight.

January 22nd, 2011, 12:17 PM
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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
How's your Fomoria build going, Thanatus? I'd offer some advice, but I've never looked at Formoria, or played against them, so I have no idea.
I'm still tinkering with my Kailasa build, but I think I've settled on the general approach I want.
How's everyone else coming along with nation selection?

January 22nd, 2011, 12:54 PM
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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
I have settled on an imprisoned monolith with 4F4E4S6N 5Dom 3 Order and 1 Magic. Going to draft as many unmarked and god kings as possible, and work research to lay down the thunder magic. Thats pretty much all I got so far.

January 22nd, 2011, 05:53 PM
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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
I've yet to hear anything from Mauxe and Endomorphious regarding their nations and pretenders.
I've been informed that what we want to do will be more of an effort to set up on the llamaserver so I've asked Gandalf Parker if we can run the game on his server and he said we can.
I have just pm'ed Mauxe re his nation and I've heard nothing from Endomorphious for a while. I'm keen to go ahead so I will give them until tomorrow to let me know if they are still in and we'll go from there, even if it is just the three of us 

January 22nd, 2011, 07:25 PM
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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
The profiles for Mauxe and Endomorphious indicate they're still active on the forum. Perhaps they don't know the location of this thread?
There can be only one.

January 22nd, 2011, 09:22 PM
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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Hi sorry lost track of the thread. As far as kingdom goes Im flexible, lately obsessed with MA Ctis, but will play just about anything.
Just need to clarify is this human players vs AI? Or a free-for-all for all concerned just with some humans and some AI's?
I really dislike adding mods of any kind to my games, since I'm not terribly good at undoing them once their on there. How does the mod affect my regular SP gameplay?
I'd be happy to play EA Ctis, Mictlan, Sauromatia, Mictlan, Arco....

January 22nd, 2011, 10:20 PM
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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Dom3 "knows" which mods need to be on and will take care of it for you.
Mods only have to be manually turned on to create a pretender for a game, or if you are playing solo then your mods choices need turned on when you start the game. But after that, everytime you open that game up it will automatically turn on the mods it needs. You dont have to leave any mods on all the time.
IF the game is going to be a direct-connect game (instead of play by email) then even that doesnt have to be done. Connecting to the games server and port will turn on the mods that particular game needs. Then you can quit back to the pretender generation menu being sure that the right mods are on. Its a good way to make sure that you have the correct versions of each mod.
Added note: the maps dont actually have to be downloaded in a direct connect game either. If you connect to a game and you dont have the map, the game will send it to you across the connection. However thats very slow so for larger games its much better to download the map so you dont have to wait for everyone to get their map one at a time.
Oh yeah, and if you have lots of mods you play with often but not always the same ones, you can create a seperate desktop icon to open Dom3 with those mods. My shorcuts to Dom3 games type in the server and the IPs. My shortcuts for solo play change lots of game defaults and use different mod sets.

January 23rd, 2011, 12:14 AM
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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
How about EA Ctis then endomorphious?
The Better Independents mod makes the crappier independent recruits cost something like 5000 gold and 900 resources. Basically they become unrecruitable. The purpose of this is to stop the AI from spending all its gold recruiting crap independent troops, instead (hopefully) investing in better troops. Independents that remain recruitable are those that you get for free from lucky events (or imagine what the upkeep on 50 odd 5000 gp's a piece units would be) or independents that are uniquely good (eg amazons riding lizards).
Glad to hear from you endomorphious 
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