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Old April 17th, 2007, 12:25 PM
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Default Single Age

Its preferable to have the mods list link to a conversation thread for each mod so Im going to start one for this mod. It does help hold down the conversational clutter in the stickied threads.

I didnt want to do a mod but I kept hinting and no one else did it so here it is.
edit: updated to Dominions 3.21

It puts 77 nations (including the blank slots) into Era 1 (early era). To use it, you unzip this to your dominions3/mods directory, then use the "Preferences" menu and then "Mod Preferences" to enable it.

This will allow you to create a game with all of the nations to select from. You can play early Ulm against mid Ulm and late Ulm at the same time. Or you can create a game where you play 90 AI's which is alot of fun on one of the giant 1500 province maps.

Once you create a game with it, you can go back and disable it so that it doesnt affect other games you make later. As far as I know, anytime you return to play that game created with that mod, it will kick in automatically without you having to re-enable it.

Do not use my old SingleAge mod for multiplayer games. It has been extensively updated by Slobby and can be found here..

Since Llama server at some point renamed the SingleAgeComplete by Slobby to just SingleAge, you might have to rename this one also to play on Llama's server.

Gandalf Parker
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Last edited by Gandalf Parker; January 2nd, 2009 at 04:34 PM..
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Old April 17th, 2007, 12:30 PM
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Default Re: Single Age mod

I will probably have to update this mod when new nations come out.

I have no idea how it behaves with other mods so if anyone tests that, please post it here.

At this time, mods have a problem displaying the signup screen with new nations in it. So this mod (and probably other nation-add mods) are difficult to run from a server. This one, at least, I know to not work with the --enablemod command.
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Old April 17th, 2007, 12:37 PM
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Default Re: Single Age mod

So far, this is the workaround Im considering for actually trying to run a full MP game with this mod. Ive found that my server will happily run the game once it is created. But the initial signup might be a problem. By the way, if anyone else wants to beat me to the punch and offer this as an MP game that is fine with me.

Im thinking of having 3 signup "games".
Era 1 (early) on port 7111
Era 2 (mid) on port 7222
Era 3 (late) on port 7333
all running with no start-button.

That way people can upload their gods. When Im ready to start then I will take down those three "games" and copy all of the god files into one game directory for MegaGame on port 7321. I will run first hosting as if it was a pbem game. Then turn the game on for normal play after that.
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Old April 17th, 2007, 01:04 PM

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Default Re: Single Age mod

It won't impact any other nation mods out there (besides those that modify vanilla nations, such as replacement nation mods), because all you're changing is the display name and the era of various nations.

I don't think the modlist has been cluttered up at all so far. Besides, all you need is in the first post so it wouldn't even matter if there were 500 pages of off topic spam after that. Well it would still be spam, but it wouldn't really mess the purpose up.

Anyway, I'll add this to the modlist in the near future, since we have a download link in the thread. Oh and you might want to stick a banner in the mod. Helps people see when they have the mod turned on, helps them togle it etc.
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Old April 17th, 2007, 01:13 PM

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Default Re: Single Age mod

Oops, just noticed you changed the 'filler' nation slots as well. Yeah that will mess with the names and so on of other mods. So people will have to fiddle a bit if they want to use this with added nations.
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Old April 17th, 2007, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: Single Age mod

Well I was in keeping with my own recommendations for stickies.

I was going to try and keep it as simple as possible so someone else can easily modify it. But I guess you have a point. OK there is an icon image for the mod now.
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Old April 17th, 2007, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Single Age mod

Wow! Thanks Gandalf, this looks great. I have not used many mods so far, been more into MP games. But I have just tried this with EA Niefelheim with worthy heros mod and it appeared to work fine. Only played a few turns as the battles phase takes ages to resolve with 76 nations!

Just a couple of points:-

1) I would put a thread in the main board, you will then get more playtesters, feedback and downloads.

2) EA Nielfelheims description did not appear. Got, 'early era nielfelheim description unavailable' repeated twice.

3) Many of the nations have the same flags which could cause confusion, especially in MP.

Excellent mod, thanks again for your time and effort.
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Old April 17th, 2007, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: Single Age mod

Actually I mentioned it on the main forum first (in my thread about a monster game). But doing any kinds of improvements on this is way down on my list. Im more aimed toward map and server things than modding. I tend to just suggest things and let others take off with it.

There is a banners mod which might work with this. If not then Im perfectly happy if he wants to do a combined mod. Especially if he comes up with some flags for the empty nations. If he does then Id be willing to come up with some more interesting names for them. Maybe even give them some basic troops.
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Old April 17th, 2007, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: Single Age mod

I've been waiting for this mod from day 1. Many thanks Gandalf!
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Old April 17th, 2007, 08:18 PM

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Default Re: Single Age mod

Mid age Pangaea for the win.
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