Multi-Cloaking and supply
I was wondering, if I have the following 2 cloaking components:
Cloak 1:
EM P 4
EM A 4
Temp 0
Grav 0
Psy 0
Supply used: 40/turn
Cloak 2:
EM P 2
EM A 2
Temp 5
Grav 2
Psy 5
Supply used: 60/turn
I activate cloaking. What will be my cloaklevel and how much supply will i spend?
Would there be a difference for supply consumption if the components would be:
Cloak 1:
EM P 4
EM A 4
Temp 0
Grav 0
Psy 0
Supply used: 40/turn
Cloak 2:
EM P 6
EM A 6
Temp 0
Grav 0
Psy 0
Supply used: 60/turn
Thanks in advance for help to a newbie modder...