The Platypus game, 8 player / 4 team newbie game just ended -- congrats to Cicadian and Cleveland!! After a promising start, my teammate and I were handily crushed, repeating with many frightening similarities the whooping Potatoman gave me in Opposom, the only other MP game I've played.
Now I am Domionionless-- sad. Is there enough interest, particularly among new players, for another team game? There seems to be a glut of newbie games that I missed out on joining, but none of them teams. I noticed in Platypus that (from my perspective, at least) the team aspect was extremely fun, and also that the teams seemed to be fairly good at coordinating. The downside seemed to be some uneven start points which decreased interactivity between players, and the small number of players (8 is a lot, but since it was teams, only 4 actual factions).
Before I formally propose a setup, is there enough interest in another team game, with a goal of 6 two player teams? Twelve players in all, 24 hour turns, ideally hosted on our favorite camelid's Llamaserver, but as I haven't asked him about this yet, maybe by PBEM

or I could set up a 24-hour basic server.
I'm thinking a large map, obviously, pre-set but randomized start points, maybe EA? and a preference for new or newish players. For comparison, I've played two single player games, neither to completion, and never played the earlier Domiions. Multi-player 0-2 and will count myself lucky if I even get to see what "late game" looks like.
Is there enough interest, particularly among new players, for a game like this?