i sorted all fortress 's status in text file...
i hope that use for good new mods ....
All forts adds 40 bonus resources...
not actually in other terrans ..
someone tell me actual bonus rate to me ...
I'm not that impressed, but it might have something to do with the fact that I compiled a list of the fortress stats and poptypes) weeks ago. Gandalf kindly turned it into an html file. The terrain info on this one is rather useless, since the forts for each nation for each terrain are defined in the game and can be changed via mod. The info is only meaningful if you make a list of nations with a list of forts per terrain type included.
reason why i made that file is i couldnt find those
html file ...
so i decided to make this file ...
it was suppose to asist my mod project and i thought
it might be handy for other user who need these informations..
I might have, except I don't think I looked at that thread too closely. I've mostly been posting from work, where I don't necessarily have the time to go digging up links for people that seem to be a waste of my time at first glance.