Here's a map I made for a proposed All MA Nation game. We ultimately used a different map, so make of that what you will. I just hate to see it go to waste.
Basically it's a large central ocean with a lot of open terrain to maneuver. 15 prov/player when using all 23 nations.
It has 23 start locations which are randomly assigned. Nobody starts on the Southwest landmass (which is intentionally inaccessible by sailing) , and everyone starts with at least 6 neighbors and a 2 indy prov buffer between their closest enemy.
It's not wraparound, so to keep things fair, the 3 corners of the NW landmass are interconnected caves, as are the 3 corners of the SW landmass.
Start locations can probably be tweaked to better equalize the NE and SW start sites. But hey, this is Dominions not checkers: imbalance & luck are major parts of the game.

Note: The Yellow dots are start locations. The Orange dots are the 1st set of interconnected caves. The Red dots are the 2nd set of interconnected caves.