A-k, I could not reach you by mail, your adress returned me an error. Just some remarks about the Rage :
I am not good at all with AI(yet

), but just looking at the emp setting, there was
a few points I would like to submit :
For a 2000 racial point empire :
physical strenght and repair lowered to 50.
Organic can be lowered to 70.
AI is not good invading planets, and few ships get repaired or refitted before destruction.
Environmental minmaxed to 81, reproduction and happiness set to 103.
Thus attack and defense can be upgraded to 120 and 25 point are left to be used
for 1 reproduction point or whatever.
For a 3000 point game :
I just set construction to 120, refining to 100, reproduction to 110 and cunning to 106.
For a 5000 point game :
Same settings as 3000 point, but I throw in natural merchants to allow a faster
expansion and Hardy Industrialists to have them building ships quicker.
If you want the emp files just PM your mail adress.