Annoying death magic
Lots of death magic is really cool, but for the love of all that is unholy why must my mages spam what they spam?!?
I absolutely dread researching the raise blank skills (enchantment?). Sometimes I like them and I want to go for that, but other times I want to be able to use something else. I feel like it is a waste to research anything else once I have researched the raise spells as that is all the spell AI seems to want to cast.
How bout a shadow bolt or some terror Mr.AI? No? Okay keep spamming raise dead even though I have 400 skeletons already that are stuck against a wall and being destroyed by arrows and priests...sigh.
And decay. I HATE decay. Once I have that and a raise spell, forget it, thats ALL they will do. What makes it worse is I never see decay do anything other than make my mages useless. I keep checking the numbers on the guy they are spamming, but his protection and defense stay the same.
I know I can give specific spell commands, but it seems a bit iffy. Sometimes they do what I tell them, sometimes not. Even if they do, I will only get 5 spells I want, then they are back to raise/ decay mode. I wish I could tell them which spells NOT to use. I would like to erase decay from every spellbook save one mage per battle. Or be able to tell them not to raise as I already have enough troops and rather need more direct offensive casting.
Am I doing something wrong or is this just the way of things?