how really C'tis Miasma works ? The Miasma affects all the provinces in which I have a dominions (white candle) or just the ones I have conquered ?
Are the idependents affected by Miasma (that means that if I have a neighbour independent army that becomes weaker and weaker months after months as long as I have dominion in his provinces) OR they are not ?
Originally posted by Taqwus: Regardless of ownership, and independents have no special immunity.
So, if I have strong independents close to my capital, starting from the second turn in which I have dominions on theyr province they probably start to be diseased and is only a matetr of time to have them reverted in weak and scary canon-fodder for my armies ?
Eventually, unless they're cold-blooded or have swamp survival. Of the common independent types... lizard men and undead provinces will be immune, but those nasty feudals will eventually fall prey.
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...
in teh C'tis description i says that C'tis prefer heat scale +1 ...
but Miasma is only avaible in heat scale +2 ... that means that all my units/provinces sufefr the penality to be 1 slot away from they preferred temperature or for Miasma C'tis lizards the prefreed temperatire is heat +2