I'm wondering how good the Harbinger's horn attack is vs. undead. She can cast banishment too. Is the horn better? I've watched her in attacks and haven't been able to tell. Also, how do you get her to use her horn attack. I've set her to "fire" assuming the horn is ranged and her other weapon is not.
So the Horn is essentially considered a "ranged" weapon? Thus if the Harbinger is scripted to Fire, and it's within range, it will use the Horn? Will it also look give priority to undead targets over non-undead? thz
The tac AI tries to pick target where it does more damage. Thus the 3x damage multiplier will make the harbinger prioritise undeads as long as they aren't much more spread out than other viable targets.
I've tried it against undead hoards and it does not perform anywhere near as well as I would expect. Perhaps there is a MR check on the damage? That would explain what I have seen.