bitter pill to swallow
My VQ supercombatant rushed home to wipe out an army that threatened my home city. She entered combat, killing off about 50 of the enemy, with full hit points and zero fatigue. No way she could be beat, right? Wrong: almost all were retreating, except one, who hit her (slightly), and she RETREATS. Well, all the surrounding lands were owned by enemies, so she died retreating. And, since the sieging army was not fully wiped out, her immortality was short-circuited! Bottom line, she was about to win the war, when she retreated. I must confess that I like this possibility -- it's like cutting the ring off Sauron's finger in LOTR. But, shouldn't retreating rules be revised, so that this sort of absurd thing does not happen? A similar issue is that your SC can't go into an area with 1 defense, because the sole other commander will be killed off, and the SC will retreat. It strikes me as a kind of odd brittleness in the rules that should be fixed in the next patch or ver, no?