Re: shields and phased sheilds?
The Sergetti from the ModPack sure as heck researched Phase Weapons...As I found much to my pain and dismay when I first ran into them. I had Shields V, but didn't research Phase Shields yet, since I hadn't run into any phase weapons. Figured the first time someone shot a Polaron I at me, I'd have time to research and refit to phase. Nope, the sergetti ran into me, didn't like, and glassed my fleet because they had Polaron V's... *Sigh*
Anyways, once you fully research shields, a Phase V has a higher rating than Shields V, so you should use them at that time.
Mixing shields types is a bad idea. I remeber that when the AI used to fill in space on their ships, sometimes they'd dump in a Shield complement their PHASED shield array. My polarons cut through their shields until the standard generator died.