Good discussion..............
Indeed , I will be gone for another 3 weeks (2 if all goes well the next week), but am allowed to go home in the weekends now.
My recovery is going fine and can walk around now a bit, and my concussion is over now (at last, had some serious headache for 5 weeks

And again I want to thank everybody from the SEIV society for the (mental) support.
But now the important news, INDEED I am working on an Star Wars mod (I even want to call it the Rebellion Mod). And although I didn't have any internet acces for the last 6 weeks, I had my laptop with me all the time

. So I can announce that I made some good progress the last weeks.
---- (Luke , I can't recall (brains are still a bit Blurry)...... Did I send you some early Beta ?????)
---- Indeed AT. that is the only problem with my mod. Hero-components......... It can be played only with mutual trust between players, that you will build/use only one of the hero's in your empire.
But I really want that part of the gameplay, So I added it and will NOT remove it. (Damn, it is the most important part I added to the mod (Still based on Andres SWii mod, ships scale, which I think is great.)
Another very important part I added the last weeks are unique (planet originated) tech areas (used with canon SW map).
Example : do you want Tauntaun's -> colonize Hoth.
En do you want some faster construction sites -> go to Kuat or Corellia.........
And offcourse the Imperial military academy can be found on Carida for some better officers and troopers/pilots.
Am workin now on:
- Geonosis (some old abandoned droid factory

- Kamino (Cloning abilities)
- Kessel (Better (spice) mining)
- Wayland (The emperor's treasure-chamber, Joruus C'baoth / spaarti cilinders / Luke's DNA)
- Dathomir (witches/Rancors ??? have to fill this in yet)
And am working on more, but didn't had internet acces so am delayed on that part (So everybody who red all the books , please give me INFO)
But the most important part of the mod will be ROLEPLAYING (*** people know who play(ed) my ST: Quadrants of conflict games)
I know that some people don't like it but I prefer canon/realism ABOVE game/empire Balance.
So the mod will never work as SP game , but will be fun as Multiplayer.
I hope I informed you well enough for now.
And I will make sure that some Beta is available soon....