I run the game on WinXP Pro. Whenever the OS times out and logs me off, upon relogging the graphics is normally not correct with no way in the game to correct it. Alt-tabbing out of the game and then reentering clears up the problem. I believe this or similar is mentioned elsewhere.
Can you be a BIT more specific as to exactly what " graphics is normally not correct ." means?? And why are you letting the OS time you out and log you out ? As I recall we do ask you to turn all that off while playing?
"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?
IIRC with XP Pro if you set a screensaver timeout, you must log on to resume.
Are you saying that you start playing the game and walk away for a while, then return to find the problem?
Or after logging back in, you start the game and have graphics problems?
It is rare indeed that I would ever disable the OS security timeout. I am an IT professional and have adopted this strict professional business security model. Also, I am not complaining about the issue but am indicating that it is correctible. There is an OS security timeout while playing the game. Sometimes the in-game video is completely distorted upon logging back in. More frequently, the screen resolution appears to have changed. The in-game contol bar on the right is completely missing upon logging back in. Upon alt tabbing out of the game there is no video issue. Clicking on the minimized game to continue game play continues the game with no video issues.