I just experienced something a little odd. Im assaulting Marignons main fortress with an army of about 60 devils (playing Mictlan) being lead by Buriol the Arch Devil and Belphalor (sp?) the Demon Lord. Its a Dark Fortress with an Arch Druid god and with about a dozen inquisitors and witch hunters.
They all cast a mixture of fire resist and phoenix pyre in their first round and I proceed to anihilate them. However the phoenix pyres appeared to take out about 50 of my devils which have 100% fire resist.
Phoenix Pyre deals generic damage (that is, basic damage), so Fire Resistance does not help you resist it; only protection should help you resist that damage.
Yeah, I had kinda rationalised the concusion aspect bit. I'm still feeling rum about it though. about three goddamn lvl2 fire mages just nailed 50 devils. It's like suicide bombers ala Dom.
It could be a bug, or a feature: developers claim features are intended, unlike bugs, but both could be pretty much the same.
Of course, Phoenix Pyre kamikazi don't even die, so you will need to keep on attacking them (and getting killed in the process)... At least the enemy isn't using Mass Relief.