Re: Any word on the RCE\'s in the ME
Atrocities: Did ya change the planet name? If ya do, you'll get RCE/Access errors unless you keep the Roman numeral after whatever you change the planet name to. I found that out the hard way myself.
As an example I changed the name of a system to Sol then added the actual planet names. When I named Sol I to Mercury, I would get RCE until I changed name to Mercury I.
Hope this helps.
[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 23 April 2001).]
L++, Gd?, $++, Fr-, C---, S*, T?, Sf+++, Tcp, A+, Bb++@, M++, MpB5, MpT, MpD, MpSa, MpM, RV, Pwt, Fqt, Nd-, Rpt, G+, Au, Mmt,S++, Ss+,