
November 15th, 2006, 01:46 PM
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v1.13 bugs
Still able to move planets I own in simultaneous mode if I tell both them and a ship in orbit above them to move. They will not transit warp points.
When fighters retreat they don't end up in the next hex over they end up 5 or 6 hexes over. I believe this leads to the access violation in the next bug.
When fighters destroy a ship at the edge of the retreat zone they then fly randomly off the map and "retreat" which then causes an Access Violation. It may be that the retreat after combat is concluded causes the access violation or because of the previous bug the fighters retreat to a hex not on the system map anymore.
Organix armor on satellites is not blocking weapons fire. Weapons fire damages the components underneath as if the armor were not even there. Normal armor, however, works fine.

November 15th, 2006, 04:10 PM
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Re: v1.13 bugs
On the Organic armor bug you sure the weapons being useds are not Armor skipping class?

November 15th, 2006, 05:24 PM
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Re: v1.13 bugs
If you have a "No planetary bombardment" clause in a treaty, and your fleet attacks a sector with an enemy planet, none of your ships will engage any of the enemy space objects like ships, satellites, bases or fighters, if said planet has at least one weapons platform. Regardless of the fleet and TF orders, your ships will just roll away and flee. Does not apply to unarmed troop transports and Carriers armed with PD beams only, these will still charge the planet.
AI offers completely random clauses in his treaty proposals. The treaty names rarely have anything to do with the actual treaty content. The treaty names we chose shouldn't be just names but should be pre-defined packages of clauses. (I don't see this as wishlist material, but an unfinished or non-working feature).
The "Non-aggression - in neutral space" and "Share resupply" clauses can both be chosen in the same treaty, and are proposed by the AI ready for my approval. Then how is it supposed to work? To resupply we need to both get into each other's systems, but the non-aggression only works in neutral space? Even if we can resupply without going into orbit, just through the in-system resupply from a Resupply Depot, why should he be resupplying a ship that has no business being there because of another clause in the treaty?
Also, should I give the other Empire the codes to my minefields without even a "Non-aggression - in neutral space" clause in effect? Should be linked.

November 15th, 2006, 06:30 PM
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Re: v1.13 bugs
There -are- cases where you'd want to do that, but mostly in multiplayer games.
And you probably shouldn't. But you can- and again, there might be a reason to do so. A temporary treaty to let him pass through a specific warp point, for example.
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- Digger

November 15th, 2006, 08:03 PM
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Re: v1.13 bugs
The AI is using DUCs and Ripper beams when it attacks my organic armor satelites. None of the AI even bothers to use armor skipping weapons.

November 15th, 2006, 09:53 PM
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Re: v1.13 bugs
A few that I've run into (and reported):
If I give a ship the 'Explore' order, when it goes through a WP, it comes out in a completely different system to the one it should. Odd thing is, regardless of which WP the ship goes through, it emerges from the same one every time the 'Explore' order is given. If the 'Warp' order is given, everything works fine.
If a ship is selected from a within a fleet and retrofitted, the game attempts to retrofit all the ships in the fleet to that design. While this isn't a problem if all the ships in the fleet are the same design, it does create problems when it comes to fleets where ships of different designs, (ie: close attack ship, missile ship, repair ship) all share the same hull (ie: Destroyer). In that case, if you attempt to upgrade your missile ships, your close attack and repair ships get converted to missile ships. Also, retrofit your destroyers, and you have a bunch of light cruisers in the fleet, the game attempts to retrofit the light cruisers to a destroyer design, which can cause a lot of "The sizes of the two designs must be identical" messages.
Upgrading facilities creates individual log entires for each facility upgraded, so you get 5 log entries saying "A Research Center facility... has been upgraded..." instead of 1 log entry saying "5 Research Center facilities... have been upgraded..."
Anyone else run into these?
Suction feet are not to be trifled with!

November 18th, 2006, 09:11 PM
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Re: v1.13 bugs
That surely seems unplayable:
whenever I create carriers and fill them with fighters in the Simulators and then start the battle, no ships would move! Not even space stations rotate, as if the time is halted (and it is not). Without fighters, there are no problems.
I have once managed to get it going, but the carrier didn't launch any fighters and got mauled.
Do fighters/carriers even work?

November 18th, 2006, 09:15 PM
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Re: v1.13 bugs
It sounds as if your computer is running the calculation that is launching the fighters from your carriers. If you don't have an extreme amount of carriers eventually the fighter calculation will complete and the battle will go as normal. If you stick too many fighters in combat it will freeze the computer.
Just my experience with fighters.

November 19th, 2006, 09:40 AM
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Re: v1.13 bugs
One carrier with one fighter inside - and it doesn't work! I can give orders to everyone, rotate the camera, but nothing moves 

November 19th, 2006, 09:06 PM
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Re: v1.13 bugs
This was a surprising one for me. I had the flagship of a fleet run off the edge of the map chasing a ship. The rest of the ships just vibrated around not knowing what to do about it.
Also, I'm on turn ~120 of a Medium Galaxy, High Difficulty, High bonus, 4 Computers and everytime I attack a planet the combat completes then when it is "finishing combat" the game crashes and cites a "stream error."
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