Re: One or three questions I have...
1) Just extra gold/resources/pretender points etc. Easy gets a handicap.
2) You get extra mr in drain dominion, and IIRC spells cost more fatigue.
Also, certain random events only happen in certain scales, I'm not sure if/which are drain specific though.
3) Arco priestesses can cure afflictions, as well as some other units (the only one which comes to mind is the Faerie Court leading faerie
4) Recruiting enemy national units is impossible, except through bugs :X
Though I think there are some mercenaries and indies that you can recruit that are similar to some national units.
Not sure if I'm not confusing something here :X
5) Its probably the part of the turn processing that has to do with horrors, which are horrible creatures that are attracted to units which are horror marked, also randomly attacking them.
Especially strong commanders get to be attacked by especially strong horrors.
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)