
March 23rd, 2007, 10:57 AM
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To make an AI alliance?
I didn't found how to mod a map to allie the AI on the forums 
I'm not a total noob, i've installed some mods and did some changes on the vaetti to learn a bit but i don't understand very well how to edit some map functions...
I tried this just after the map description:
#computerplayer 49 4
#computerplayer 51 4
#computerplayer 53 3
#allies 49 51
#allies 51 53
#allies 49 53
#specstart 49 93
#specstart 51 117
#specstart 53 42
...and tried some variations with no results...
Could you explain me or give me a link to help a bit?
This game is really great, fun and addictive but i'd like a better challenge in SP. It could be fun to allie with 1AI vs 8AI for exemple
Thx and sorry for my english 

March 23rd, 2007, 12:09 PM
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Re: To make an AI alliance?
Never mind the English if it isn't your first language, so long as your posts are organized well. Like this topic is.
What do you mean by not getting any results? The #allies map command means that those AI nations will not attack each other. So they will conquer independents, they'll attack any other AI and human players, but they will not attack each other. So if they meet on the map, they'll just ignore each other. Or they should anyway.
Your commands look like they were formatted correctly. If by alliance you mean something like that you would be able to see allied nations territory, troops etc, that's not how it works.
You do need to set some kind of special victory condition on maps with allied AIs so that the game will actually end. E.g. victory by provinces, victory points, research or dominion.
Hope that helps.

March 23rd, 2007, 01:24 PM
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Re: To make an AI alliance?
I tried again with special victory conditions and... it's working! They spawn in the provinces i specified etc.
Maybe i did something wrong the last time and didn't checked enough, i supposed the nations should appear in the "choose participants" screen with the good AI level already selected etc. So i have supposed my commands were wrong 
This time, i selected them in the list, and it looks like it's OK.
Btw, insted of alliance i should say NAPact, if i remember well alliance is not possible, isn't it?
Thx for the help Edi 

March 23rd, 2007, 02:03 PM
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Re: To make an AI alliance?
Map commands dont change the menu screens. Even if you put an AI into the game with a map command, the menu will let you pick it to play as human. And then ignore your choice. the game has some problems between client and host.
And yes the ally command will keep them from attacking each other. But some changes will still happen due to random events, or "miscommunitation" (such as attacking the same indept province on the same turn). Also random distance spells such as Call of the Winds.
But it should make the game much more of a challenge.
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March 23rd, 2007, 02:34 PM
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Re: To make an AI alliance?
Hum... So i "just" have to capture a province between 2AI frontier and wait for a "miscommunication". It could be very... interresting
"Well take this for what little it will profit you. As I look at you, Ambassador Mollari, I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. The hand is your hand. And I hear sounds. The sounds of billions of people calling your name."
"My followers?"
"Your victims."
� Elric, Mollari

March 25th, 2007, 04:49 PM
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Re: To make an AI alliance?
Londo_Mollari said:
Hum... So i "just" have to capture a province between 2AI frontier and wait for a "miscommunication". It could be very... interresting 
If you have a castle under siege by an AI opponent the other AI opponent will attack based on the primary reason of wanting to attack you.
So if you have a castle surrounded by 5 AI opponents they will fight each other on this one province just to attack your units inside the castle.
There can be only one.
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