Just a quickie. I'm one of those that has been waiting for SEV to get a little more "polished" than the original release. Namely in the AI department. Has the new patch made the game more challenging in that sense.
At first release I argued w/ the people who said the game was unplayable... until I came to agree with them.
The rest of the game is coming along nicely, but the AI is still not anywhere close to how it should be. Then again, Aaron looks to have been concentrating more on getting the bugs out for now. Hopefully there'll be arriving more AI improvements with the next patches.
nah, just play balance mod or IRM.
stock sucks and always will.
even better, get in on a multiplayer BM game, KOTH rocks for competitive games, and theres a few other games with 8 or so players going on, lots of fun.
How long do the multiplayer games go? I've never done that for SE or Civ, even though I love those kinds of games. But I go for the marathon (several days/weeks)ones, not the quickie 3-4 hour ones.