Aezeal said:
is there one that produces air gems?
Nope. Air gems are one of the most elusive of the gem types, in my opinion.
To break it down:
Water: Sea trolls 1/turn
Fire: Fever Fetishes 1/turn if unt is Wounded(-10 HPs)
Earth: Blood Stones 1/turn
Astral: Clams 1/turn
Death: The Sickle whose Crop is Pain(gems based on kills with item)
Blood: There is a Demon Lord who spawns 3 blood slaves a turn.
The easiest way to get gems to the front with Air gems is to get one of your Air mages to Cloud Trapeze to your army and then distribute the gems.
Unfortunately, keeping gems on commanders is a tactical issue that everyone must address. Even the most well stocked mage will blow his gems when a Golem SC Teleports in or an Earth Attack elemental strikes.