Originally Posted by joeyeti
Thx Wdll!
(And thxs mods for moving appropriately )
Please add your recommendations, especially as to the individual scenarios for beginners!
Before worrying about scenarios, I would probably learn the game system
In the game options launcher, set your preferred opponent pairing and date to make the battle generation easier.
I would suggest any of UK, USA, West Germany vs USSR (or USSR v any of those main NATO armies). I would suggest June/July in 1968-1975. No need then to worry about Thermal sights or uber-chobham MBT. Terrain is European and summer.
Now go into the game itself, and choose the
preferences screen. Set points to say 6000 initially anyway.
Now we are all set for training exercises.
battle and (at first - to save time) when in the battle generator, set the human purchase to
computer by clicking on it.
continue, then
human deploy. (leave battle type at meeting engagement for the first few training encounters). Now examine your forces, and if you
really do not like what your 'superiors' at GHQ gave you then by all means feel 100% free to exit and repeat the above (Computer buy saves time picking toys and playing with the map - you can always do that stuff later on. You are into deployment in just 4-5 clicks with computer buy).
You can try auto deploy - but I don't really recommend it much.
Treat the 5 or so battles you then play with computer generated forces as learning experiences. It does not really matter if you get thrashed, you learn from it and get better.
After a few meeters with computer generated forces, then you may like to try some with a human purchase (You will know your likes and dislikes regarding troop types by now!) - and play with the map generator set up etc too. Then you might like to try some delays, advances, assaults and defends.
Once you have that training experience under your belt, then you may want to try a generated campaign, or some scenarios.