"The Gates of Aren - The Fall
"Above a contracting mass of less than four hundred soldiers, three standards waved; the Seventh's; the polished, articulated dog skeleton of the Foolish Dog Clan; the Crow's black wings surmounting a bronze disc that flashed in the sunlight. Defiant and proud, the bearers continued to hold them high.
On all sides, pressing with bestial frenzy, were Korbolo Dom's thousands, a mass of footsoldiers devoid of all discipline, interested only in slaughter. Mounted companies rode past them along both visible edges, surging into the gap between the city's walls and the mound - though not riding close enough to come within bow range from Aren's archers. Korbolo Dom's own guard and, no doubt, the renegade Fist himself had moved into position atop the mound behind the last one, and a platform was being raised, as if to ensure a clear view of the events playing out on the nearest barrow.
Duiker saw Coltaine there, amidst a knot of Mincer's engineers and a handful of Lull's marines, his round shield a shattered mess on his left arm, his lone long-knife snapped to the length of a short sword in his right hand, his feather cloak glistening as if brushed with tar. The historian saw Commander Bult, guiding the retreat towards the hill's summit. Cattle-dogs surged and leapt around the Wickan veteran like a frantic bodyguard even as arrows swept through them in waves. Among the creatures one stood out, huge, seemingly indomitable, pincushioned with arrows, yet fighting on.
The horses were gone. The Weasel Clan was gone. The Foolish Dog warriors were but a score in number, surrounding half a dozen old men and horsewives - the very last of a dwindled, cut-away heart. Of the Crow, it was clear that Coltaine and Bult were the last.
Soldiers of the Seventh, few with any armour left, held themselves in a solid ring around the others. Many of them no longer raised weapons, yet stood their ground even as they were cut to pieces. No quarter was give, every soldier who fell with wounds was summarily butchered - their helmets torn off, their forearms shattered as they sought to ward off the attacks, their skulls crumpling to multiple blows.
He saw fewer than a hundred soldiers still upright, but it had become a slaughter - the only battle that remained was among Korbolo's forces for the chance of delivering fatal blows and raising grisly trophies with triumphant shrieks. The Seventh were falling and falling, using naught but flesh and bone to shield their leaders - the ones who had led them across a continent to die now, almost within the shadow of Aren's high walls.
The last of the Seventh vanished beneath swarming bodies. Bult stood with his back to the standard bearer, a Dhobri tulwar in each hand. A mob closed on him and drove lances into the veteran, sticking him as they would a cornered boar. Even then he tried to rise up, slashing out with a tulwar to chop into the leg of a man - who reeled back howling. But the lances stabbed deep, pushed the Wickan back, pinned him to the ground. Blades flashed down on him, hacking him to death.
The standard bearer left his position - the standard itself propped up between corpses - and leapt forward in a desperate attempt to reach his commander. A blade neatly decapitated him, sending his head toppling back to join the bloody jumble at the standard's base, and thus did Corporal List die, having experienced countless mock deaths all those months ago at Hissar.
The Foolish Dog's position vanished beneath a press of bodies, the standard toppling moments later. Bloody scalps were lifted and waved about, the trophies spraying red rain.
Surrounded by the last of the engineers and marines, Coltaine fought on. His defiance lasted but a moment longer before Korbolo Dom's warriors killed the last of defender, then swallowed up Coltaine himself, burying him in their mindless frenzy.
A huge arrow-studded cattle-dog darted to where Coltaine had gone down, but then a lance speared the beast, raising it high. It writhed as it slid down the shaft, and even then the creature delivered one final death to the enemy gripping the weapon, by tearing out the soldier's throat.
Then it too was gone.
The Crow standard wavered, leaned to one side, then pitched down, vanishing in the press.
DeadHouse Gates. Pg 762.
Welcome to the Deadhouse Gates - DHG.
This is the sequel to the
Gardens of the Moon.
A conflict is steering in seven cities. Fledgling powers are drawing ever closer to a bloody conflict.
Portals between worlds have been opened and into the scorching deserts, molding caves and deadly swamps an invasion is underway.
Nations from the fabled war torn warhammer world have sent first scouts through such gates and are now establishing territorial control. The local powers are aware of the invasion but are too busy bickering amongst themselves. As armies assemble and weapons are forged the question arises:
Who would claim this land?
If you have some dom-III MP experience and are not a total NewB (say have > 10 MP games under your belt) then plz feel free to join us as the story unfolds.
Settings should be mostly similar to GotM:
Victory condition: 50-60% of # players capital VPs. Each capital is considered to be one VP. Capitals will be marked.
Nations: All MA+ENP1 nations are allowed.
Mods: CBM 1.84
Map: According to players number/wish/vote.
Hosting Pace: First 15 turns every 24h, turns 15-30 48h, turn 30-45 72h, turn 45-60 96h, turn > 61 120h.
Hosting is planned for busy ppl! This means that extensions would be given when needed. If you're looking for a blitz type game or get bored when things get slow then this is probably not the game for you. Make no mistake though, I've hosted a number of such games and they all end up to have a nice pace and all draw to conclusion.
Disallowed exploits: copying Bogus' orders and overfilling enemy lab to prevent his own forge.
Killing own mages under Ankh or LaD to gain freebe mages and troops.
It's ok in a battle but it's not ok to set it up on purpose (whoever likes to do it knows what I'm talking about). Both are nerfed in CBM 1.84 so the exploit is not possible anymore.
Probing armies with scouts/commanders must be done in such a way so as not to block movement.
Hosted on llamaserver.
Diplomacy allowed.
Warning: As a lesson from GotM I would like to raise your attention to the fact that diplomacy is allowed. In GotM some of the players didn't enjoy that aspect all that much and may have seen it as a chore or whatnot. As a general rule, in diplo. games you should be ready and willing to engage in diplomacy (duh
). I mean you can opt not to but then don't be surprised if you're left w/o allies or that your political ends or views are not met/popular.
That said, NAP's are not considered binding 
Warning: This game is planned for players that will stick to the end. So please pay attention, don't go AI, don't chain stale. If you want out, please take the trouble to find yourself a sub. Your fellow players would appreciate that.
Graphs: on
HoF: 15
Indies: 9
Map: WH
# of players: 9
Research: Normal
Magic sites: Normal
recruit: now. At this point the game is open for both sign-up and discussion. I est. this will take a week or two.
Prepare pretenders: After all players sign-up we shall wait a week for pretender creation.
Game on: we start the game.
1. Aethyr, Skaven. Turned AI on turn 58.
2. Catquiet, Tomb Kings
3. WraithLord, Bretonnia
4. Lolomo, Dwarfs
5. ghoul31, Ashdod. Defeated on turn 36.
6. don_pablo, itza. Defeated on turn 50.
7. Deadnature, Altdorf. Defeated on turn 40.
8. Stagger Lee, Vampire Counts
9. Squirrelloid, Ogres. Went AI on turn 80.
Many thank to Squirrelloid for doing as much as possible to address balance issue in the game map!
Game over on turn 88 by concession to Brettonia.