Sounds like microsoft might have actualy got there act together this time according to tests so far on the web.
Its still buggy at the moment but compared to Win 7
Its faster
Does more things properly (wonder if they fixed autohide on the taskbar)
Uses about 40% less memory
Is more backwards compatible, that should make Andy smile.
This could be worth upgrading to once its been out a while if they price it realisticly.
Lower overheads mean for those of you using laptops battery life will be extended
I bet they are also looking at the tablet market.
For companies running aging equipment could breath some new life in it, because the motherboard wont support more RAM.
However for the home user with a reasonably modern system upgrading your RAM would probably be the better option as its so cheap now. Horse bolted there they forced us to get the extra RAM in the first place.
If you want to try it heres a link for setting up a virtual hardrive & dual booting