The British 1944 TOE for the Armoured Division had the divisional Armoured Regiment equipped with Cruiser tanks, i.e. Cromwells and, I suppose, Shermans. Until 1943, the regiment was equipped with armoured cars and apparently the cruisers was considered something of an overkill for the role.........
But it did give the division a fourth armoured battallion, allowing it to create combined arms formations of one tank and one infantry battalion and two brigades with each two tank battalions and two infantry battalions (the motorbattalion of the armoured regiment being one of them).
I have played som rather enjoyable "recce"-battles in SPWW2 along the lines of armoured recce bumping into its opposite number in a meeting battle or into recently arrived enemy forces that have not organized a proper defense yet. Gives you an opportunity to play around with some odd formations like armoured cars, recce vehicles of all sorts, motorcycles, bicycle troops and what not