
January 7th, 2003, 03:24 PM
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OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately
Just thought I would say a few words about the movies I have seen lately. (Including DVD ones.)
Movies in Theaters
1. Catch me if you can.
I really liked this movie. I did not think I would, but I have to admit, I am going to go see it agian. A great cast from Christopher Walkens though Tom Hanks. Very interesting movie.
2. The two towers.
I liked this moive about as much as I liked the first one. Although this movie seems like it is missing about an hour or so of footage, and does not do much for developing the characters.
3. Nemesis
Not the best Star Trek movie I have seen, but never the less, a good flick to watch. I really think Brent Spiner did an awsome job in this movie as his performace is the one that just sticks out in this movie. The ending where he is about to die, and sacerfices his life without so much as a word to Picard was IMHO, great acting. Too bad there will never be another movie with Data.
4. 007 Die another day
Why did they make this movie? This was the worst Bond movie I have seen since Dalton was making them. It seems like each new Bond flick is worse than the one before it. Hell Triple X made a better Bond movie than this one.
1. Ecks Vs Sever
Racidedly rotten flick with the worst kind of plot I have ever seen. This movie should never have been made.
2. I See You.
A Sly Stallon movie that is actually very good. It has an alstar cast that really do a good job here. I liked the suspense of the movie, and felt the plot, although weak, worked well because of the performances. Not a high standard for picture quality, but still a good movie. Reminded me in a way of the Thing with Kurt Russel.
3. Triple X
Oddly enough this movie was a good movie. It was what the latest Bond flick should have been. I like Vin as an actor, and feel he did a good job here. The movie was interesting, funny, and kept you wanting more right to the end. Not bad for a Bond spin off.
4. Blood work.
Not a bad movie for Clint, but horribly predictable.
5. Pluto Nash
I liked the movie. I really did. I felt it was a fun romp and it should have gotten better reviews. Eddie did a good job in this movie as it had a good atomsphere, and was moderatly intersting. I liked the DUC hand guns. Very cool.
[ January 07, 2003, 13:25: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
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January 7th, 2003, 04:18 PM
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Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately
Don't worry about the 'missing hour' in the Two Towers, I'm sure it will find it's way onto the DVD! 

January 8th, 2003, 04:47 AM
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Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately
I saw Catch Me If You Can Last week. I actually read the book back in the 80's, and thought at the time, "This would make a great movie". I was really surprised when I heard they made a movie about it, because the book was written so long ago (and I figured was out of print), I couldn't imagine someone actually remembered it. The movie is pretty close to the book, although they emphasize his relationships with his family and with his pursuer more in the movie than in the book. In the book, he's just too busy having fun with his secret life to care about anything else.
The Pan Am part is the same as I remembered it from the book. The way did the checks and the fake i.d., etc. Same with his stint as the doctor. In the book, he poses as a college professor, while in the movie, they have him pulling that trick while he's in high school (though he may have done it there too). In the book, he explains that he passed the Bar after the third try. After the first two tries, he would get the test back with the correct answers and explanations, and he would simply memorize the correct answers - some of which would be recycled on the next test. This was glossed over in the movie. In the book, he gets caught in Sweden, and spends time in a prison that's more like a country club. This wasn't included in the movie (due to time limitations, I'm sure). He thought it would be the same deal in France, and was sorely mistaken. The book ends with him escaping through the toilet trap in the airplane. Good book, good movie.

January 8th, 2003, 04:51 AM
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Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately
Originally posted by Atrocities:
1. Ecks Vs Sever
Racidedly rotten flick with the worst kind of plot I have ever seen. This movie should never have been made.
The title itself is a put off-what kind of name is Ecks? 
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January 8th, 2003, 05:23 AM
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Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately
Just watched the movie Signs with Mel Gibson, I didn't get to see it at the show.... good movie
at least I liked it
just some ideas Mac
just some ideas Mac
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January 8th, 2003, 05:33 AM
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Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately
Originally posted by mac5732:
Just watched the movie Signs with Mel Gibson, I didn't get to see it at the show.... good movie
at least I liked it
just some ideas Mac
That movie is awesome! I got to see it in a theatre and it was really good. I'll probably either rent it or buy it on DVD to watch again.
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They were armed. With guns, said Omari.
Canadians. With guns. And a warship. What is this world coming to?
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September 10th, 2004, 04:49 PM
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Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately
When my wife worked in a bank, she attended a seminar where Frank Abignale (sp) taught them how to spot bad checks and embezzlements. She and I both enjoyed the movie (Catch me if you can) on HBO

September 10th, 2004, 11:31 PM
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Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately
I saw Hellboy the other day. I thought it was pretty good. As a Catholic I found it entertaining that they had relics and rosaries to fight evil. possible spoiler: Why the vatican allowed that statue in the museum I don't know . A few months ago I saw a teaser for "Sky Captain" that didn't interest me, it was black and white and the CG background looked like a game from 10 years ago. Yesterday I saw some promotional material and it had British helicarriers so it might be interesting after all.
Edit: I'm trying to cover up the spoiler. Anyone know the code for this tan colour, I can't find it in the source.

September 11th, 2004, 12:44 AM
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Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately
I might go see Resident Evil II: Apocalypse in the next while. I saw the first movie a couple of years ago and it was OK but nothing special. But a few days ago, I saw the preview for the second movie and there was a very beautiful girl in it - no I don't mean Milla Jovovich, I mean the other dark-haired girl whose name I don't know. So I'm thinking of seeing the movie just because she's in it... 

September 30th, 2004, 03:22 AM
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Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately
Movies I've seen in theatres recently (we have a few interesting theatres in Seattle, and of course a bunch of crappy chain ones, like just about everywhere else):
The French Connection I was already having a hard time finding anything to like about most films. This film was so well done, it has made that even worse. So many films just stink in comparison, especially from a believability standpoint. So much fake unbelievable uninteresting nonsense for stupid people in most films.
The Warriors Heh. This was shown right after The French Connection, and well, I was tempted partly due to it having been mentioned here on the forums. Pretty funny! Pretty weird. Really 70's. Rather unbelievable, but gee... I think despite it being utterly laughable in many many ways, in some limited but worthwhile ways it was actually better than some recent high-budget drivel like Terminator 3 or the recent Star Wars fiascos. Ah well. Yet more reinforcement for my disdain of ... well some might say modern Hollywood style, but I think it's more like modern Hollywood dreck.
Hero A very good film, especially visually.
Alien versus Predator OMG what crap!
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