
March 6th, 2003, 07:04 PM
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New PBW Game: A Few Good Worlds
A Few Good Worlds
Status: Game open to new players
Mar 5, 2003 10:54:36 PM CST: Here is a trial Version of the mod we will be using:
http://www.pbw.cc/Download/filelib/730/GuysMod184a.zip (commanderg)
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Game description
This game will use a 1.84 Version of Commander-G's mod:
Starting resources: 5000
Starting planets: 1
Home planet value: Good
Score display: Own
Technology level: Low
Racial points: 2000
Quadrant type: Spiral Arm
Quadrant size: Large
Event frequency: Medium
Event severity: Medium
Technology cost: Medium (8 players or less), otherwise High
Victory conditions: Last one standing. However, a pair of players may win together if they declare themselves a team up front, otherwise it is a solo victory.
Maximum units: 10,000
Maximum ships: 2,000
Computer players: None
Computer difficulty: Low
Computer player bonus: None
Neutral empires: No
Other game settings:
1) We will use a 1.84 Version of my mod. It will be ready shortly. I will describe the mod a bit in the game forum before it is uploaded to the library.
2) Every player must design a 'Rock' race that breathes either Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen.
3) No Mines or Intelligence in the Game.
4) Ancient Race trait is available.
Game information
Owner: Commander-G
Turn number: Not Started
Players/max: 10/16
Last turn:
Next turn:
Turn duration: 50 hours
Turn automation: Fully automatic turns (key)
SE4 Version: v1.78 + Commander G's Mod

March 6th, 2003, 07:11 PM
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Re: New PBW Game: A Few Good Worlds
Here is a summary of my mod:
Bigger hulls are easier to hit, progressively: Battle Cruisers, Battleship, Dreadnaught.
Weapon Mount Efficiency scalled down.
Talisman is treated as low value armor.
Advanced Traits repriced with cumulative Version of propulsion and hardy industrialist.
PPBs take more supply.
PPBs, Null Space, Adv Mil Sci have increased Research costs.
Construction limits of Radioatives and Organics have been halved (except for Organic Shipyard Facilities -- New Fac)
Small DUCs are much less powerful.
No Minefields.
Armor Research cost increased.
Crystalline Weapon Research cost decreased (you need high levels before it is worth using these things).
Crew Quarters and Bridge components cost Organics.
Troops and Boarding Parties cost organics.
Base Ship Hulls increase more in cost to compensate that the engines must be bigger (alternative to using the number of engines per movement point property).
Carriers require Ship Construction 3,5,7 as well as Fighters 1, 4, 5.
Light Carriers have a hull size of 780 KTs (No Heavy Mount!)

March 6th, 2003, 08:26 PM
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Re: New PBW Game: A Few Good Worlds
Here is the link:
A Few Good Worlds
[ March 06, 2003, 18:26: Message edited by: LGM ]

March 7th, 2003, 12:12 AM
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Re: New PBW Game: A Few Good Worlds
I found I had to drop the www to get the link to work. Right click and "save as":
[ March 06, 2003, 22:22: Message edited by: stecal ]

March 16th, 2003, 06:26 AM
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Re: New PBW Game: A Few Good Worlds
More details on my Mod. I hope to start the game the First week of April. If you join, I suggest you test your race for 20 turns. There are some differences:
- Added Organic costs to the fillowing types that used to cost none: Mineral Miners, Organics Farms, Radioactive Extraction, Research, Intelligence, Space Ports, Resupply Depot, Mineral Resource Storage, Organic Resource Storage, Radioactive Resource Storage, Cargo, Radioactives Colliers, Ship and Fleet Training Facilities, Shipyards.
- Increased Organic Costs of Temporal Shipyards by 8000KT.
- Decreased Construction Rates for Radioactives and Organics for Shipyards and Temporal Shipyards by 1000 KT.
- Added Organic Space Yard Facilities that do not have halved Organic production. Because of their radically different design, upgrading from standard shipyards will not work.
Components.txt:- Added Organic Costs to Crew Quarters, Space Shipyards, Figher Cockpits, Boarding Parties,
- -500 KT to the Construction Rates for Organic and Radioctives on Space Yards.
- Added Mini Cargo Bay I component which is 5 KT and stores 30 KT. This item will not display if Obsolete items are hidden.
- Added Mini Supply Storage I which is 5 KT and stores 100 untis of supply. Added 1 kT worth of Cargo space to supply components so that they count as Cargo components on Freighters, allowing those hulls to build supply ships.
- Removed Mine Layers and Mine Sweepers from the game. Removed Mine Warheads.
- Change the Quantum Reactor to act like a 500 supply generating Solar Collector. Decreased Mineral cost by 200 KT.
- Increased the Supply usage of Phased Energy Weapons from 5 to 20.
- Add Computer Tech requirements to Security Stations (assume those to be mechanical defense systems whereas you can use Boarding Parties to counter Boarding Parties for non mechanical ones).
- Added a 10 KT Mini Depleted Uranium Cannon, to create Lightly armed ships or Minimally armed ships for Boarding or Assualting Planets. Turn on obsolete components to see this one.
- Reduced the Damage of Depleted Uranium Cannons by 5 at each level. Significanly reduced the effectiveness of Small DUCs.
- Reduced the size of Small Anti-Matter Torps from 10 to 8.
- Changed the Talisman to take 10 KT of space, 20 KT of damage, Costs 200 Min, 800 Organics, and acts as Armor (takes damage before other components).
VehicleSize.txt:- Re-priced most hulls to include the factor that their engines would be bigger in proportion and made ships progressively easier to hit: +10 BC, +20 BS, +30 DN
- Made Lighter Carriers 780 KT. +20% to hit, and requires Ship Con 3. Other Carriers change in a like fashion.
- Adjusted Transport Costs. Fighers cost 50,100, 150 Radioactives.
- Added Organic Cost to Troops.
- Removed Mines.
Settings.txt:- Changed Planet Construction rates of Radioactives and Ognaics to be 1000 KT.
CompEnhancement.txt:- Change Weapon Mount Efficiencies to generally be 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 instead of 1.33, 1.5, 1.67.
Cultures.txt:- Added minor bonuses to Neutral culture. No negatives.
RacialTraits.txt:- Revamped. Just create a race and you will see. Note areas that affect the same area are stackable (combinable).
- Ice Planet Colonization Base: 200,000
- Gas Giant Colonization Base: 2,000,000
- Removed Mines
- Armor Base: 10K was 5 K.
- Shields Base: 20K was 10K
- Cloaking base: 50K was 40K
- Scanners Base: 50K was 100K
- Advanced Mil Sci Base: 50K was 5K.
- Phased Energy Weapons Base: 20K was 5 K.
- Ship Capture Base: 10K, was 5K.
- Computer Combat Base: 20K was 5K.
- Null Space Weapons Base: 20K, was 5K.
- Crystalline Weapons Base 10K, was 20K (you need high levels before they are worth deploying)
- Troop Weapons Base: 10K was 5K
- Small Weapons Base 20K was 5K.
- Stellar Harnessing Base 20K was 10K.

March 16th, 2003, 09:38 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: New PBW Game: A Few Good Worlds
Change the Quantum Reactor to act like a 500 supply generating Solar Collector. Decreased Mineral cost by 200 KT.
This makes them not worth the cost to research them. For that many research points in an otherwise useless tech area, they should make more than that.
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