Re: OT: Why Oh Why
My preference list is based on my own needs and experience setting up small LAN's for personal or small office use mainly for game playing and development.
If someone already has experience with an OS and doesn't hate it, then using what they know how to make do what they want will of course be an appealing choice. Personally, I have no reason to want to learn what all I would have to do to get Win 2K Server to not run all sorts of crap I don't want. Even if I believe the incredible claim that there is "one" registry setting which will remove all unwanted crap features from Win 2K Server (which reg key is this?!?! I'm thinking "hmmm... HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0666\DontDoBloatCrap), it seems like it'd just be a more expensive Version of Win 2K Pro, for my purposes, and even Win 2K Pro with all patches still has issues with some games and nVidia graphics cards, while bare bones Win 98SE has no such issues and seems to boot and run much faster as long as you don't let lots of annoying apps stuff the registry full of crud.