You should be building some storage facilities on some of your 30 pack planets right now.
As the resource converter has a max limit of your storage limit for each resource for conVersion.
Best to get your storage up right away from the get go.
If you have not done this
next turn build a resource converter.
And build your storage units.
IF you need to put everything on hold to get the converter out DO IT. And in a few turns you will no longer have a problem with resources... From now on in due to your build ques...
And convert resources every turn to fill those oranic and rad storage to their max.
Waste no resources.
Also have that first base space yard build more base space yards... IF you cannot use them now. Moth ball them for later. And have these puppies build 10 on each planet.
Moth ball those you cannot use right away. and unmothball them as soon as you have additional resources to use them.
Also make your build ques common.
So you use the fill que option. Saves time.
And as soon as a base yard is complete set up its way point to your training area. So your ships will automatically move there. Then add your ship class to the build que and hit repeat.
The only time i do not do this is for the troop planets where I will move the ship manually after it has picked up its troops
The 6 pack planet
Build a ship yard. then atmosphere then what ever else ( such as 4 value improvements ) Save this que as 6 pack starter or what ever
And set up your 30 pack planets and save the ques..
This way you do not forget anything.
And when those 6 packs turn into 30 packs
Create new common build ques to use with the 25 facilities on them. So when another planet comes in on the atmosphere converted... you just scrap the atmosphere and then click on the fill que and select it from the list. And away you go.
Plan everything for 50 turns down the road.
You know you need large fleets. You know you need to replace large fleets quickly. You know you do not want to micro manage this when it is going full tilt. So plan for this
You need resources. You need storage. You need base space yards.
You need sphere worlds.
This is my advice. Sand Box SEIV. It is actually quite enjoyable before Primative takes out 1500 base ships in 3 turns