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Old September 29th, 2003, 11:14 PM
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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

Well… I'm more talking about a structure for changing a lot of things than a particular level of change. As I see it there are three things you might want to change:

1> maps - add new maps, change existing maps, make scenarios, etc. - all about (at least in Dom I) changing the .map file and corresponding picture

2> monsters - similar deal. I don't know much about this, but I gather there's been talk about this and it's not impossible

which leaves
3> nations - which is what I am suggesting with having themes be structured as mods. Like I said before, this would allow for little change, or much change, depending on how much work you want to put in. For example, it would be totally possible to do a "Noldor" [for the unenlightened Noldor=a kind of elf from Tolkien] theme which would change every unit of a current nation to well, Noldor units. Similarly you could add a "Dunedain" theme to another nation etc.

It's been a long time since I've coded, but if I remember aright having a structure in place which defines what you can and can't change, so that you can interface between the game and the mod in a relatively clean way is really helpful.
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Old September 29th, 2003, 11:16 PM
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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

You really didn't read my first post very closely at all Mortifer. I hope the clarification clarifies.
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Old September 30th, 2003, 03:39 AM

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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

Themes would be an interesting thing to play with. Even just the ability to add/subtract units and add some inspirational text would do a lot in that direction. Most themes in the game have additional effects, and those would take a lot more work to implement, but just being able to create and add/subtract units, choose "scale setting" prerequisites, and define some flavorful text for various events would do a lot, especially in sync with the power already available with map creation.
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Old September 30th, 2003, 08:54 AM

MStavros MStavros is offline
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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

Making themes is not enough. We need the ability to mod the map, units, nations and gods.
With themes we cannot even make a Tolkien mod, just for example. Themes are only good for the existing nations. It is not enough.
Enough said.

[ September 30, 2003, 08:15: Message edited by: MStavros ]
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Old September 30th, 2003, 10:00 AM

Mortifer Mortifer is offline
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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

st.patrik - I think that is because of my bad english. So you are saying that making themes would be good, right? I agree with that, BUT that is not full modding.
Just like Stavros has said, modding means that we can edit/add/remove units/pretenders/monsters, we can make maps, we can design races/nations. This all together.
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Old September 30th, 2003, 10:53 AM
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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

Mortifier: You said that "modding means that we can edit/add/remove units/pretenders/monsters, we can make maps, we can design races/nations."

We can, and could even in DOM 1, make new monsters. Same for maps. New monsters were harder to make, mainly because you needed two graphic files for them and it seems not many have artistic abilities. But while making a map, you can define almost anything.

And with themes, you can change the national troops. Even if Marignon is named Marignon, if the troops are the ones of Gondor, and the citadel is called Minas Tirith, and they are in war with Ermor who has Orcs, trolls, oliphaunts and what ever Sauron got under his forces... Is that not enough? Magic sites would then be about the only thing you could not customise. And the troops you are able to recruit from a given province.

So, modding themes is about everything you want that you don't yet have.

As said before, in a .map file, you can define almost anything. I remember doing my own .map-file while I only had demo, putting all kinds of interesting magic sites and items to my commanders and to my provinces. I was somewhat disappointed when I realised that I couldn't set my pretenders' magics over 19... I exploited the bug with which you could use astral gems to research paths over the level four that was normal limit in demo. In that game, I casted Wish for the first time. And second, and third, and fourth... It's enough if I say I wished for a Master smith, made him commander, empowered him in astral until he could cast wish and made him forge all the unique artifacts... But the map of Melnibone, made by Pocus, is much better example for the power you have when making a map.
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Old September 30th, 2003, 12:47 PM

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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

I wonder who you are Endoperez? Bob Perez of the newsgroup?
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.
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Old September 30th, 2003, 02:10 PM

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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

Well, whatever, if we can do those [edit/add/remove units, pretenders, nations and monsters [we can make maps already]] we are all set to make wonderful mods.

[ September 30, 2003, 13:10: Message edited by: Mortifer ]
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Old September 30th, 2003, 02:23 PM

Aristoteles Aristoteles is offline
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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

Ok I don't get it. IF we can make themes, that means that we can edit everything? I mean we can redesign the nations(races), add 'nation units', monsters, change the pretenders(gods) etc.?

If you call theme making - modding, than I am happy too.
The 3 main things are: unit&nation&pretender editors. Don't forget about that.

[ September 30, 2003, 13:23: Message edited by: Aristoteles ]
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Old September 30th, 2003, 03:18 PM
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Default Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]

Look at the themes there are:

Themes change the troops available and the starting sites. There are more complicated ones as well, but this would be enough to make a new nation.
With map editor, you can make any creature the pretender of any nation. You can also define the magic skills on any commander, up to 19 in every magic. And choose the sites of certain province, as well as it's name. You can also chooce two provinces to be neighbours, even if they have no common border. And, you can make provinces not neighbours, so that you can't pass over them. Think about too high mountains.

If there was a possibility to add/edit themes, it would be your 'nation editor',
You can choose pretenders with map editor that already exists,
And it is possible to make new monsters but there is no editor for that.
And it is possible, if the community is interested enough, to make a program for monster making. Although I don't think you will be able to edit existing units.
Have you read the mapedit and the monedit manuals? They come with the game and are in doc folder. They can also be dloaded from IW site. They are in pdf(the file type). From them you find all information you need to make monsters/ maps, although making maps in DOM II is quite a bit defferent compared to DOM 1.
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