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Old October 31st, 2003, 04:57 PM
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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

Updated list. I don't have the first two of yours, geo981010, because I'm not sure I understood them - see post below. I added back in the one about being able to cycle through friendly provinces with the keyboard.

1. Tweaks/Easy changes to implement
• Darker colours/textures in unit displays
• Alignment of stats in unit info screens
• Pre-made Gods for New players
• Newbie 'get started' guide
• Quick start game for Newbies
• End/quit/save/host button remake
• Bless effects more prominently displayed when creating a God's magic
• Actual effects of scales explained when creating a pretender's scales
• Line between commanders and regular units in recruitment screen & titles for each
• More details on exactly what different effects mean (e.g. exact benefits of mountain/forest/swamp survival, etc.)
• Able to quit battles using ESC
• When selecting commander from F1 screen, have the commander be highlighted when it jumps to him
• X axis labeled in score overview graph
• Message in top left when Commander is killed in battle
• When you win/lose a game, instead of exitting the program, get brought back to main menu
• Show undead and magic leadership in unit info screen (e.g. 25/0/10)
• Soldiers with "guard commander" orders fire missiles if a target is within range

2. Additions of relatively minor features
• Castle battle results
• '?' accessible on main menu
• Research point 'lock' for schools of magic
• Random nation AI opponents
• Map and Scenario triggers [not sure where this was mentioned]
• Ability to rename, or at least add epithets to commanders
• Enhanced start (starting with more than one province)
• Ability to close screens without having to scroll down or press ESC (e.g. Windows-style [x] or 'Exit' button below instead of at the end of scroll-lists)
• Unit names in addition to icons in recruitment/deployment screens
• Detailed breakdown of mixed squads in deployment screen
• Detailed lists of losses (most importantly commanders)
• Right-clicking commander gives you list of troops under his command
• Build queue for commanders
• Shift-click to add higher multiples of units [e.g. 5 at a time] in recruitment screen
• Build queue doesn't charge you for units which won't be built that turn
• Ability to turn off pre-battle zoom animation
• Number of local defense force killed show up on battle report (even though they're automatically replaced)
• Ability to enter new subscreen (F1, recruitment, etc.) without ESCaping out of the current one
• Hostile borders different colour than province borders within your nations [don't know if this is possible or not]
• Prevent redundant site searching (or have a message like the one you get when you try to preach in a province with high dominion?)
• When game ends prompt for deletion of game file
• Ability to toggle on/off battle grid in squad positioning screen
• New Command for missile units: Hold or Fire
• Keyboard selection (hotkeys or something else) for every command available with mouse
specifically including:
• Keyboard command to select next commander within province, even if he already has orders.
• Ability to scroll lists with arrow keys instead of mouse
• Keyboard interface for research screen
• Keyboard command to cycle through friendly provinces

3. Additions of relatively major features
• SP diplomacy
• Increased battle replay functionality (various speeds, etc.)
• More than one god for each nation
• Moddability
• Ability to search for items on commanders
• Battle Sim
• Enabling/disabling spells (see Windreaper's post in this thread for details)
• Translucent filters for map instead of icons (for dominion strength, production, province defense, etc.)

4. Balance considerations
• Improve Strategic AI
• Bug fixes
• Less focus on supercombatants
• More regrowth possibilities / less emphasis on population death
• Greater 'bless' effects (starting at an earlier level/increasing exponentially rather than by addition/magic cheaper in general, etc.)
• reduce effectiveness of artillery-like spells (esp. in hostile dominion)


Keep them coming. Poll deadline is approaching
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Old October 31st, 2003, 05:12 PM

licker licker is offline
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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

One thing I suggested that isn't on the list is to be able to cycle through province recruitment screens. That way you can quickly and easilly set up recruitment in several provinces without haveing to go to each province directly.

Is there a way to do this from the F1 screen? That is to set up recruitment directly from that screen? If there isn't then I'd like to see that added as well.
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Old October 31st, 2003, 05:21 PM

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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

One other thing... can the transfer gems screen be made slightly larger to accomdate more than two commanders at a time?

Is there any functionality to add the same gems to multiple commanders at the same time?
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Old October 31st, 2003, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

Originally posted by licker:
One thing I suggested that isn't on the list is to be able to cycle through province recruitment screens. That way you can quickly and easilly set up recruitment in several provinces without haveing to go to each province directly.
It's hard to see how this could be implemented - presumably you don't make troops in every province - just in the few you have castles in most of the time. If this was added you'd have to cycle through 5 or 6 province recruitment screen where you didn't want to recruit units before you could get to the province you did want to recruit units from.

This is an impartial list, so I'll put this on if you want - I'm just checking to make sure you really want to suggest it.

Originally posted by licker:
Is there a way to do this from the F1 screen? That is to set up recruitment directly from that screen? If there isn't then I'd like to see that added as well.
This is kinda like what geo981010 was suggesting maybe. Are you thinking recruiting literally directly from this screen? or are you thinking a link from this screen to the recruitment screen in the province you click on? The latter especially makes sense to me. I'll add it, if that's what you meant.

I'll also add the gem screen transfer thing.

[ October 31, 2003, 15:50: Message edited by: st.patrik ]
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Old October 31st, 2003, 06:16 PM

geo981010 geo981010 is offline
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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

Originally posted by st.patrik:

1. You're talking about either a. spies' reports before you conquer a province, or b. what kind of independant troops you can recruit in that province when you own it. Which one?

2. You mean like a button which takes you to the recruitment screen? Or more than this?
1) I was talking primarily about what you could recruit there, thinking of the provinces that I own. However, that might be good to see what enemy troops are where too - have to think about that and may add that later

2) A button to take me to the recruitment screen is exactly what I want. Preferably when exiting from the recruitment screen it will take me back to the Nation Overview, too.

[ October 31, 2003, 16:17: Message edited by: geo981010 ]
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Old October 31st, 2003, 06:47 PM

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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

Originally posted by geo981010:
Originally posted by st.patrik:

2. You mean like a button which takes you to the recruitment screen? Or more than this?
2) A button to take me to the recruitment screen is exactly what I want. Preferably when exiting from the recruitment screen it will take me back to the Nation Overview, too.
Yes what geo said.

Also the recruitment screen cycle would be quite useful for me, I gaurentee you I'd use it nearly every turn just to see where I had recruitment going on and what it is. Its not that hard to pass over the blank provinces quickly. I think this along with direct recruitment from the F1 screen would cut alot of clicks and micro out of the game, especially when you have more provinces.
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Old October 31st, 2003, 07:14 PM

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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

Originally posted by st.patrik:
Originally posted by HJ:
We're listing typos now?
No we're not. Typos and bugs should go somewhere else I think. This thread is more about what we want the developers to add/change in terms of features.

All: post bugs in the "list game bugs here" thread, which is stickied. That should probably go for typos too.

Just FYI, my editing partner (the splendiferious Bionic Giraffe) and I are planning to help (as needed) with any grammar problems or other typos that appear in the gold Version. We couldn't edit all the ingame text since a lot of it was imbedded in the game, and there is a HECK OF A LOT OF IT, so any contributions folks want to make by pointing out text issues would be greatly appreciated. Having them in a seperate thread is a good idea too. Organization is key!
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Old October 31st, 2003, 07:21 PM

Psitticine Psitticine is offline
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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

Originally posted by Alneyan:
Originally posted by Leif_-:
Originally posted by Alneyan:
Originally posted by Leif_-:
Yes, but as you can't see the province numbers on the map, it's pretty useless.
The numbers are shown either in the province option, or in the top left window in the main screen,

Err, yes - but to see either of those you first have to select the province, which means that to use the # hot-key (lukewarm-key?) you have to memorize the province-numbers for all the provinces you're interested in. That makes it rather useless as a hot-key in my book.

Well, actually you can see the province numbers of your own provinces in the nation overview too. It's still annoying to have to open that just to jump to another province, and as long as you can't scroll through the nation overview with the keyboard, it's not even a semi-workable solution.

Yes I agree with you, the numbers are hard to memorize, except if you have really a good memory. And even then, the hotkey are not that convenient.

Hmm, I gather I was a bit unclear in my Last post. *Grumbles* I was not going against your suggestion.

I agree as well: the #+province number system isn't that useful. I just wanted to point out the specific thing requested was already there.

Keys to go up/down the list sounds like an ideal solution to me, and it shouldn't be hard to implement at all.

Hopefully, I didn't confuse anybody. I didn't mean to suggest the idea should be dropped; I was just trying to point out "#+province number" is there already, for what it's worth.
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Old October 31st, 2003, 09:52 PM
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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

I'd like to see resource usage in the nation overview screen. That way, you could know which provinces are being underutilized, and need to have some stuff queued, without going to each production screen to check. As per the suggestions below, clicking on the resource usage number would take you to that province's recruitment screen.

Also, I'd like certain numbers to change color in the F1 overview menu: Supply usage, if above the province's supply, should become red so it is obvious (without checking your Messages) where starvation is occuring. Unrest numbers above 0 should be orange, and 100+ should be red, IMO.

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Old October 31st, 2003, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: Impartial MASTER LIST of issues/problems

Ok, I think I have most of the changes in there...check the list to make sure it's right if you made a suggestion

1. Tweaks/Easy changes to implement
• Darker colours/textures in unit displays [to make sprites easier to see/look better]
• Alignment of stats in unit info screens [i.e. in a column]
• Pre-made pretenders for new players
• New player 'get started' guide
• Quick start game for new players
• End/quit/save/host button remake [so that 'end turn' takes you directly to next turn]
• Bless effects displayed when creating a pretender's magic
• Actual effects of scales explained when creating a pretender's scales
• Line between commanders and regular units in recruitment screen
• Titles in recruitment screen for unit section and commander section
• More details on exactly what different effects mean (e.g. exact benefits of mountain/forest/swamp survival, etc.)
• Able to quit battles using ESC
• When selecting commander from F1 screen, have the commander be highlighted when it jumps to him
• X axis labeled in score overview graph
• Message in top left when Commander is killed in battle
• When you win/lose a game, instead of exiting the program, get brought back to main menu
• Show undead and magic leadership in unit info screen (e.g. 25/0/10)
• Soldiers with "guard commander" orders fire missiles if a target is within range
• Link from nation overview (F1) to recruitment screen in each province
• Show resource usage in nation overview [so that you can see at a glance which provinces aren't being used to their full potential]
• Warning colours in nation overview (e.g. red for supply usage when higher than supply availability, etc.)

2. Additions of relatively minor features
• Battle results (i.e. list of casualties) when storming a Castle
• '?' accessible on main menu (i.e. as a button)
• Research point 'lock' for schools of magic
• Random nation AI opponents
• Map and Scenario triggers [not sure where this was mentioned]
• Ability to rename commanders, or at least add epithets
• Enhanced start (starting with more than one province)
• Ability to close screens without having to scroll down or press ESC (e.g. Windows-style [x] or 'Exit' button below instead of at the end of scroll-lists)
• Names of units in addition to icons in recruitment/deployment screens
• Detailed breakdown of mixed squads in deployment screen
• Detailed lists of losses (most importantly commanders)
• Right-clicking commander in main screen gives you list of troops under his command
• Build queue for commanders (even though there is only one recruitable per month)
• Shift-click to add higher multiples of units [e.g. 5 at a time] in recruitment screen
• Build queue doesn't charge you for units which won't be built that turn
• Ability to turn off pre-battle zoom animation
• Number of local defense force killed show up on battle report (even though they're automatically replaced)
• Ability to enter new subscreen (F1, recruitment, etc.) without ESCaping out of the current one
• Hostile borders different colour than province borders within your nations [don't know if this is possible]
• Prevent redundant site searching [or have a message like the "preaching cannot be used to raise the dominion of this province any higher" message]
• When game ends prompt for deletion of game file
• When game ends, automatically delete game file
• Ability to toggle on/off battle grid in squad positioning screen
• New Command for missile units: Hold or Fire
• Keyboard selection (hotkeys or something else) for every command available with mouse
also including:
• Keyboard command to select next commander within province, even if he already has orders.
• Ability to scroll lists with arrow keys instead of mouse
• Keyboard interface for research screen
• Keyboard command to cycle through friendly provinces
• Expanded gem-transfer screen, showing more than 2 commanders
• Label in nation overview identifying province types [feudal, amazons, etc.], and therefore the troops recruitable there
• Ability to cycle through recruitment screens without exiting to main map

3. Additions of relatively major features
• SP diplomacy
• Increased battle replay functionality (various speeds, etc.)
• Ability to store more than one god for each nation
• Modability
• Search function for items on commanders
• Battle Sim
• Enabling/disabling spells [being able to indicate which spells your mage should pick from]
• Translucent filters for map instead of icons (for dominion strength, production, province defense, etc.)

4. Balance considerations
• Improve Strategic AI
• Bug fixes
• Less focus on supercombatants
• More regrowth possibilities / less emphasis on population death
• Greater 'bless' effects [e.g. starting at an earlier level (lvl 3?), increasing exponentially rather than by addition (1,2,4,8 vs. 2,3,4,5), magic cheaper in general, etc.]
• Reduce effectiveness of artillery-like spells (esp. in hostile dominion), or provide counters


This is now 21 tweaks, 32 minor feature additions, 8 major feature additions, and 6 balance considerations. It's getting big.

[ October 31, 2003, 21:12: Message edited by: st.patrik ]
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