Ok...and there is a base 40% chance to have a random event in a given turn? Or am I wrong about this?
If so....bad events at order 3, unluck 3 would be:
40%, less 30% events due to order 3, for 10% chance of an event
80% chance that a given random event is bad...
for a total 8 % chance of a bad event.....
At turmoil 3, luck 3, the chance for a bad event would be:
40%, plus 30% for turmoil 3, or 70% chance that a given event occurs....
only a 20% chance that a given event is bad...
for 14% chance of a bad event.
Thus, you overall will get fewer bad events with order 3, unluck 3?
(I do not pretend to know the details of the scales because I haven't gotten my game yet. It's been shipped, though.