
February 14th, 2004, 11:32 PM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Originally posted by Arryn:
Or it may just be that today is a day that most players who have significant others (gads how that PC term annoys me) tend to spend doing something other than hanging out in front of a screen and keyboard typing away.
Pfah. The only true St. Valentine's Day commemoration is that of the 1929 St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

February 15th, 2004, 01:34 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Turn #17, Late Summer of Year 2
Into the breach!
Travellers from afar bring word that a Hoplite Commander has been appointed as the false prophet of the Arcoscephalene pretender Falco. It appears their previous prophet, the Strategos that was appointed eleven months ago, did not have a winning strategy for personal survival.
A young magical apprentice from Ultima Typhia stumbles upon a method to distill the summer's heat into fifteen magical fire gems.
My force at Pythium continues the siege of the citadel into this tenth, and what I intend to be, final month.
Tahmar arrives at the siege camp with reinforcements of a half-score Jotuns. Ualgo arrives at the Alps, along his way to Jotunheim. Bdvar reports some two-score draconians and wyverns (yikes!) in the Dragon Jaws. More significantly, he also reports that the plains of Rhas (#25) to the southeast are held by Marignon. The most important discovery is that made by Oedre in Hoburgdorf. Along with the routine reporting of 3 regular troops of a type he is unable to ascertain, and a small inherent provincial defense force, he has located the Ashikagan citadel itself, located in the coastal province (#93) directly to his south! This fortification is almost twice as strong as the one in Pythium, and overcoming it will prove to be a formidable endeavor.
The number of dissenters declines by one in Eribon, Feral Woods, and Pythium, and by two in the Iron Range, Bel, and Ultima Typhia. The temple in Eribon has swayed the folk there to abandon the worship of false gods, while the level of faith in next-door Bel climbs to 20% of the populace.
The Seithkona Gerd joins the coven at Jotunheim, which achieves mastery of the fourth rank in 'Conjuration' magics. Research continues in this school.
My realm has:
- __9 Provinces (+Pythium under seige)
- 286 Treasury.
- 522 Income. (+4)
- 233 Upkeep. (+15)
- 132 Resources in the capital. (+2)
- 103 RPs
Gem income is:
- +0 Fire (15)
- +0 Air (--)
- +3 Water (08)
- +0 Earth (01)
- +4 Astral (17) (includes 1 Clam)
- +1 Death (04)
- +2 Nature (29)
In Jotunheim I recruit a Seithkona and 4 Jotun spearman. I recruit another human priest in Eribon, and I increase the provincial defense of Ultima Typhia by 2 (to 10). These preparations drain the treasury of 279 coins.
The newly-ordained priest Geiserik from Eribon is sent to the Well of All Waters, with the intent that a temple be constructed there in the very near future, so that I may be able to recruit Garnet Priestesses with fire magic skill. I have Oedre remain where he is to warn of Ashikagan troop movements on my western border. Ualgo continues on the route back to Jotunheim. And I send Bdvar into Marignon-controlled Rhas to learn more about this newfound enemy to the far southeast.
As for the besiegers of Pythium, the time has come when all is in readiness, as much as it can be, to storm the citadel and kill this pretender. The attacking force will be:
- Jorgun (my avatar) with orders of
Body Ethereal, Astral Shield, Resist Magic, Astral Weapon, attack closest;
plus 44 Jotuns, with orders of hold & attack closest
- Grymis (my prophet) with orders of
Divine Bless, cast spells
- Bove (a Jotun herse) with orders of
hold x5, attack closest
- Urd (a Seithkona) with orders of
Protection, Body Ethereal, Astral Shield, Resist Magic, Eagle Eyes, cast spells;
plus 5 longdead giants as bodyguards;
plus 5 longdeads with orders of hold & attack closest
Tahmar, not expected to be of much use in this type of battle, is left outside to continue the siege, in the worst-case scenario that I fail and all my attackers flee into neighboring provinces. Urd and her guardians are placed in the far right rear corner. The 44 Jotuns are in the far left rear corner. Center rear is Jorgun, with Bove to his right and Grymis to his left. I would much rather fight the defenders outside the confines of the walls than within, should they be foolish enough to come out. At the very least, this arrangement of forces will hopefully alleviate some of the bottleneck that occurs when a large force tries to cram itself through the gates while there are still defenders blocking the passage.

February 15th, 2004, 02:53 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Turn #16, Summer Spring of Year 2
The mid-summer heat discourages any travellers from bringing word from afar of events in distant lands.
My force at Pythium continues the siege of the citadel into a ninth month.
Urd and Ualgo arrive in the seige camp and distribute the magical items they carry to Bove and Jorgun. My avatar's return to Pythium once again quashes snake-worship there (neutral dominion). Jorgun assumes command of all the Jotun troops from Bove (Jorgun has much better morale). Bdvar reports some 50 heavy and light footmen, plus crossbowmen, in Pzucz.
The number of dissenters declines by one in Eribon and Ultima Typhia, and by two in the Iron Range, Bel, Feral Woods, and Pythium. The complete absence of taxation has the desired effect upon the residents of the Well of All Waters and all dissent there ceases (-33). As a reward for their misplaced fear, I raise taxes back to their normal level. The level of faith climbs once again to 50% in my capital, but the departure of my avatar makes the people of Ultima Typhia lose their faith. The faith also takes root in Imictan (#128), just west of the Well of All Waters.
The coven at Jotunheim achieves mastery of the third rank in 'Conjuration' magics. Research continues in this school.
My realm has:
- __9 Provinces (+Pythium under seige)
- 276 Treasury.
- 518 Income. (+16)
- 218 Upkeep. (+4)
- 130 Resources in the capital. (+3)
- _86 RPs
Gem income is:
- +3 Water (05)
- +0 Earth (01)
- +4 Astral (13) (includes 1 Clam)
- +1 Death (03)
- +2 Nature (27)
My God, in neutral dominion, has:
- 176 Hit points (16 regen)
- _12 Protection
- _30 Morale
- _22 MR
- __4 Encumbrance
- _22 Strength
- _21 Attack
- _10 Precision
- _13 Defense
- 125 Leadership (40 magic units)
- Horror Helm, Amulet of Antimagic, Pendant of Luck
- Causes Fear +5, Poison resist 100%
In Jotunheim I recruit a Seithkona and 4 Jotun spearman. I recruit a human priest in the new temple in Eribon, and I increase the provincial defense of Ultima Typhia by 2 (to 8). These preparations drain the treasury of 275 coins.
Tahmar continues to Pythium with his half-score Jotuns, while Ualgo begins a journey back to Jotunheim via the Alps. Grymis is recalled back to the siege camp at Pythium. I send Oedre from Ultima Typhia into the Ashikagan province of Hoburgdorf, while Bdvar is to go to the mountain wastes of the Dragon Jaws (#39) to see if he can uncover any obvious magical sites there (it's another VP spot). My avatar will remain in Pythium to inspire faith. (I have reluctantly decided that it may take too long to hunt down where all of Pythium's dominion may be hiding, so I prepare to storm the citadel, and it will go better if I have as much positive dominion there as I can get.)

February 15th, 2004, 06:03 PM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Turn #18, Early Fall of Year 2
Road kill.
This month, no travellers bring word from afar of events in distant lands.
A market gathering occurs in the Feral Woods, increasing tax revenues this month by 100.
The priest Geiserik safely arrives at the Well of All Waters, as does Ualgo at Jotunheim. Bdvar reports that Rhas has a well-organized provincial defense, and that the fortified capital city of Marignon itself is in the province (#19) just to the southeast. Oedre identifies Hoburgdorf's lone non-PD troop as a crossbowman.
Ensconced within the stone walls of the citadel my army finds Kanuka the Pythium pretender (a Frost Father with 6W7S), a Serpent Priest and a Serpent Acolyte, 1 Standard, 13 Gladiators, 2 Hastatus, 2 Velites, 2 Principes, and 16 Horned Serpents. All the troops are, indeed, starving (as I had hoped), and many are diseased and have one or more afflictions due to the wretched conditions within the long-beseiged citadel. I have numerical superiority, and my troops are stronger and in far better health. The prospects for success appear excellent, so long as Fate favors me, and the Pythium pretender does not use his considerable Astral power. The Pythium towers fire 8 ballista "bolts" each turn, and they will be the cause of most of the deaths among my Jotun troops. The battle proceeds:
- Round 1 - my troops escape harm from the towers. Kanuka casts Twist Fate on himself, while Urd's Protection is cast on Jorgun, who casts Body Ethereal per plan. Other casters on both sides make the obligatory Blessings and such.
- Round 2 - my troops take some nonfatal hits from the towers. Kanuka has transformed into a Blue Dragon! (4W5S, 125HPs, 18Prot, 18MR, 25Str, 16Att, 12Def) while my casters continue their plan and my troops hold.
- Round 3 - the first death of Jotun due to ballista fire. Kanuka flies to the far left rear to attack my Jotuns, which are well-matched against his Cold Breath as they are 100% Cold Resistant. As such, the dragon eats one of my giants. My prophet casts Fanaticism to counter the morale shock of losing 2 of their number this round. Six of the Jotuns attack the dragon, inflicting significant damage (-20HPs).
- Round 4 - four more Jotuns fall before the onslaught of the ballistas, and another is eaten by Kanuka. Grymis casts Fanaticism again to shore up morale. The vengeful Jotuns hack away at the dragon and inflict many serious hits (-74HPs, Kanuka has just 31HPs left).
- Round 5 - another brave Jotun is impaled by ballista, but the injured dragon's strike is insufficient to outright kill his next victim. Grymis casts Fanaticism, the Jotuns finish killing the Pythium dragon-pretender, and the rest of the giants head towards the citadel to engage the leading defenders who have just exited the outer gates.
- Round 6 - two more Jotuns fall transfixed by bolts. The Serpent priest attempts to Banish some of my longdeads, but fails. Grymis casts Fanaticism, and my lead Jotun spearmen kill the lead enemy gladiator. My avatar has moved up behind the mass of Jotuns.
- Round 7 - the tower ballistas miss my troops but kill one of the gladiatiors. Both Serpent priests attempt Banishment without success. A gladiator strikes at a Jotun Huskarl, but is killed by repel. Grymis casts Fanaticism. Two more gladiators and a horned serpent are killed by my Jotuns.
- Round 8 - the tower ballistas again miss my troops, as does the repeated Banishments by the two Serpent priests. Grymis casts Fanaticism. 3 more horned serpents are killed (as best I can tell in the melee).
- Round 9 - the ballistas kill another Jotun, though the Banishments have once again missed my longdeads. Grymis casts Fanaticism. It is hard for me to keep track of what's been killed, other than observe that Jorgun eats two gladiators this round. Remaining Pythium forces are: 2 priests, 9 horned serpents, 1 standard, 2 velites, 2 hastatus, 2 principe, and 5 gladiators.
- Round 10 - the tower ballistas miss my troops, as does a Banishment. The situation has grown so dire for the defenders that the other priest casts Sermon of Courage. Grymis casts Fanaticism. Remaining Pythium forces are: 2 priests, 7 horned serpents, 2 velites, 1 hastatus, 2 principe, and 4 gladiators. 33 of the original 44 Jotuns survive.
- Round 11 - the ballistas kill 2 more Jotuns. Two Banishments miss their targets. Pythium's troops rout. Grymis casts Fanaticism. Remaining Pythium forces are: 2 priests, 6 horned serpents, 1 hastatus, 1 principe, and 3 gladiators. Thus far, the entire battle has been fought outside the walls. As my forces chase the routing defenders inside, my troop loss rate will dramatically increase.
- Round 12 - another Jotun becomes a ballista casualty and two Banishments miss their targets. Pythium's troops continue their rout. Grymis casts Fanaticism. My troops give chase.
- Round 13 - the ballistas kill 2 more Jotuns, and in more confined quarters, Banishment kills 1 longdead giant and a longdead human. Grymis casts Fanaticism, and the chase continues.
- Round 14 - yet another Jotun falls impaled by ballista fire, while Banishment kills another longdead giant and my remining longdead human. As I had feared, the bottleneck at the gates is proving deadly, though it could have been much worse if the enemy forces had not already routed. Grymis casts Fanaticism, and a third of my troops are now inside the main courtyard, having killed the serpent acolyte near the inner gate.
- Round 15 - no ballista casualties, nor any from Banishment. Urd animates a skeleton, though she is so far from the routing Pythium troops it is a pointless action. Grymis casts Fanaticism, and the Jotuns kill 2 of the Last 3 gladiators, and engage the Last Pythium Serpent priest.
- Round 16 - the ballistas fell another brave giant. Grymis casts Fanaticism, and the Jotuns kill the Last commanding priest, leaving the already-routed enemy leaderless.
- Round 17 - 2 more casualties from concentrated ballista fire. Grymis casts Fanaticism, and the vengeful Jotuns kill 3 of the fleeing horned serpents and the Last principe.
- Round 18 - another 2 casualties from concentrated ballista fire. Grymis casts Fanaticism, and the Jotuns continue to chase down foes.
- Round 19 - another casualty from concentrated ballista fire. Grymis casts Fanaticism, and the Jotuns kill a lagging horned serpent.
- Round 20 - a final Jotun ballista death before the Last of the enemy has fled, ending the battle. In summary, of the 24 Jotuns I lost in the battle, all but two are killed by "artillery fire". Ouch.
Jorgun adds 3 more kills and 7 more trophies to his tally, while Bove claims 2 more kills and 10 more trophies (gaining a second star), though at the cost of acquiring a never-healing wound (20% HP loss, -6HPs). The end of the Serpent Cult and it's false god brings great jubilation, along with great sorrow for the two dozen brave giants who fell to cowardly missiles. The victory roughly doubles my water and nature gem income, and removes a very annoying thorn in my side. The added gold income will be enough to allow me to replace my losses in just a few turns, and to do so in a larger castle that is closer to my expanding land borders.
The number of dissenters declines by one in Eribon, Gwyrth, Iron Range, Pythium, and Ultima Typhia. The level of faith rises to 10% in Eribon, and 20% in Pythium.
The Seithkona Modgunn (second of the same name) joins the coven at Jotunheim. Research continues in Conjuration.
My realm has:
- __5 Dominion max.
- __2 Temples
- _10 Provinces
- 703 Treasury.
- 626 Income. (+104)
- 198 Upkeep. (-35)
- 133 Resources in Jotunheim. (+1)
- 156 Resources in Pythium.
- 102 RPs
Gem income is:
- +0 Fire (15)
- +0 Air (--)
- +5 Water (13)
- +0 Earth (01)
- +4 Astral (21) (includes 1 Clam)
- +1 Death (05)
- +5 Nature (34)
In Pythium I recruit a Seithkona and 3 Jotun spearman. I recruit another human priest in Eribon, a half-score provincial defenders in Pythium, and I also increase the defenses of Eribon by 4 (to 5), and Bel and the Black Alps by 1 (to 2 each). These preparations cost 303 coins, leaving exactly 400 coins for buildings.
I have the Skratti Tunne forge another Clam of Pearls and I allot 10 water gems for the task.
The priest Geiserik begins building a temple at the Well of All Waters, while my prophet Grymis does likewise in Pythium. Ualgo and a half-score of fresh Jotun spearmen head out from Jotunheim to the Alps, to join the survivors of my army in Pythium. I send Urd, with a bodyguard of longdead giants, to the Well (with the intent that she build a lab there). The newly-ordained priest Albrecht is sent from Eribon to Ultima Typhia (where I will erect another temple so as to push my dominion into the Ashikagan realm). Bove and the score of battle-hardened veteran Jotuns, along with Tahmar, begin a patrol of Pythium to quell the remnants of dissent there. I (deliberately) decide to leave Oedre in place in Hoburgdorf to monitor any potential buildup of Ashikagan troops in their one province that borders my realm. I have the intrepid Bdvar move northeast to independent plains of Troban (#36) which is due north of the Marignon capital, with the intent that he work his way to the east of that city.
The biggest decision left to be made is what to do with my avatar? I can take him north and munch on some woodland provinces west and north of the Well. I could send him due west, into Ashikaga's rich farmlands, but that would provoke an enemy I do not feel ready, as yet, to confront, especially so soon after my war with Pythium. Using a SC to spread dominion is a waste, IMO, so that idea is dismissed. I decide to have him move to the Black Alps, on the way to Zenthra on the coast just west of my capital. This gains me the Last province in the "Jotun Peninsula", and will place him on the coast so that I can use my amphibious SC to scoop up some sea provinces from Atlantis, which at the moment appear to be weakly held (PD only, if any).
[ February 15, 2004, 20:08: Message edited by: Arryn ]

February 15th, 2004, 10:12 PM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Is anyone besides Norfleet still reading this AAR? It's odd that no one else has had anything to say after Turn 14, which was 4 turns (and one major castle assault) ago ...

February 15th, 2004, 10:31 PM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Well, I'm still diligently reading, but I'd like to make a comment regarding the dragon breath:
It's not that your Jotuns are well-matched against the dragon's breath, it's that most dragons don't USE their breath attack at all! Dragon breath is actually a ranged attack that the dragon will only discharge if he is ordered to Fire , and doing the range is fairly short: If given orders to fire, the dragon will no longer fly, and instead waddle towards the nearest target in an attempt to discharge his breath weapon, which, like all missile weapons in Dominions II, will likely have no accuracy and miss.
As such, the threat of dragon breath is pretty much non-existent: Your Jotuns would have fared no worse than Abyssians or even cold-vulnerable devils against the dragon.

February 16th, 2004, 12:31 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Im still reading, you seem to be doing good sofar 

February 16th, 2004, 12:52 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Originally posted by Arryn:
Is anyone besides Norfleet still reading this AAR? It's odd that no one else has had anything to say after Turn 14, which was 4 turns (and one major castle assault) ago ...
I'm reading it...just taking it all in as with the other AARs. Keep going, every single AAR on here is good stuff for new players like me. 
I agree with the realistic Irishman who said he preferred to prophesy *after* the event.
-- G.K. Chesterton

February 16th, 2004, 12:57 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
i am reading as well, the aars are probally my favortie threads

February 16th, 2004, 03:49 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Turn #19, Fall of Year 2
A gathering storm to the west?
This month, no travellers bring word from afar of events in distant lands.
The priest Geiserik completes the temple in the Well of All Waters, as does my prophet Grymis in Pythium. Jorgun and Ualgo cross paths in the Black Alps. Urd arrives at the Well, and the priest Albrecht arrives in Ultima Typhia. Bdvar reports that (independent) Troban has roughly 50 fanatics, archers, and heavy footmen. Oedre sends back ominous news from Hoburgdorf that Ashikaga has amassed a three-score strong force of yamabushi monks and samurai swordsmen & horsemen, led by the (T'ien Ch'i) national hero Li T'ieh-Kuai. Ashikaga may be preparing to seize my weakly-defended border province of Ultima Typhia to begin an undeclared war. Or they may be readying to invade the independent river province of Herghendorf to the north or coastal plains of Saetica to the south. I will plan for the worst.
The number of dissenters declines by one in Iron Range, Bel, and Ultima Typhia. It declines by two in Eribon, Gwyrth, and the Feral Woods. Patrolling in Pythium has the desired results and all unrest ceases in the province. The presence of my avatar in the Black Alps inspires more of the inhabitants, and the numbers of the faithful rises to 40%.
The newly-recruited Seithkona Hnoss begins a coven in Pythium. The coven at Jotunheim achieves mastery of the fifth rank in 'Conjuration' magics. Research continues in the school.
My realm has:
- __5 Dominion max.
- __4 Temples
- _15 Provinces converted
- _10 Provinces under control
- 414 Treasury.
- 662 Income. (+36)
- 212 Upkeep. (+14)
- 133 Resources in Jotunheim. (unchanged)
- 162 Resources in Pythium. (+6)
- _92 RPs
Gem income is:
- +0 Fire (15)
- +0 Air (--)
- +5 Water (08)
- +0 Earth (01)
- +5 Astral (25) (includes 2 Clams)
- +1 Death (06)
- +5 Nature (39)
I increase the defenses of Eribon by 2 (to 7). These preparations cost 14 coins, leaving just over 400 coins for buildings.
I have the Norna Skade forge a Thistle Mace, and the Seithkona in Pythium forge an Ivy Crown. (Pythium is not at my +2 magic scales, so it is more efficient for Hnoss to be the one allocated the job.) I allot 15 nature gems for these tasks.
The priest Albrecht begins building a temple in Ultima Typhia, while Urd commences building a lab at the Well of All Waters. I send Bove, with 23 Jotuns, and Grymis to defend Ultima Typhia, and redirect Ualgo and his half-score of fresh Jotun spearmen to meet them there. Tahmar remains in Pythium, defending, while my avatar proceeds to the Iron Range. I decide to move Oedre deeper in Ashikagan lands, west to the forest of Robber Home (#105). This also lessens his chances of discovery, should Ashikaga decide to remain in place and patrol with the three-score troops now in Hoburgdorf. I send Bdvar southeast into the wastes of Polgrave (#26) to look at what is east of Marignon. In Eribon, I have the newly-ordained priest Erkeborn preach to the masses, and I instruct that Geiserik do likewise at the Well of All Waters.
Last, but most importantly, I instruct the Norna Rimdriva to conduct the ritual of Acashic Record for the Well of All Waters, as I suspect there may be a hidden magical site there. (The recruitable Garnet mages, with fire magics, hints that there may be a fire site I've yet to find.) I allot all 25 astral pearls in the treasury for this task.
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