
February 16th, 2004, 11:27 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Still reading, too, but not much to comment about, but when I look at my own AAR this seems to be fairly normal

February 16th, 2004, 01:13 PM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
You really ought to do something about that pesky unrest problem you keep reporting in a number of provinces. Take taxes down a notch, perhaps, and permanently do away with it.

February 16th, 2004, 10:14 PM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Arryn, great work, picked up a great lot of information, just as you imagined.
I was wondering though, as you like to stack your troops with the morally staunchest hero, if that really helps. As far as my (admittedly limited) experience shows, troops will not root, if their commander dies or runs away.
Does it indeed have any influence I didn't notice?
And yes, please continue 

February 17th, 2004, 02:11 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Originally posted by Norfleet:
You really ought to do something about that pesky unrest problem you keep reporting in a number of provinces. Take taxes down a notch, perhaps, and permanently do away with it.
In the provinces that have had low double-digit unrest (under 15), I'd've lost more in gold in the one turn it'd take to reduce unrest to zero via taxes than by letting it go down gradually on its own. You may note that I've dealt with exceptions like Pythium's via patrols, or the event-caused one (+33) by taxes as you suggest, and Eribon's will be dealt on turn 20. Single-digit unrest, as I've had in most places, are in relatively low income areas and not a concern to me. I've only been reporting them for the sake of accuracy, and to give new players an idea of how unrest goes down when left alone.

February 17th, 2004, 02:32 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Originally posted by GGGreenhorn the Stutterer:
Arryn, great work, picked up a great lot of information, just as you imagined.
(blush) Thanks! It's great that you feel that you're getting useful info from my efforts. I'd hate to think that I was merely doing all this work (it takes a lot longer, over an hour per, to type up a turn than to play one) merely to entertain people. hehe
I was wondering though, as you like to stack your troops with the morally staunchest hero, if that really helps. As far as my (admittedly limited) experience shows, troops will not root, if their commander dies or runs away.
Does it indeed have any influence I didn't notice?
My attitude is that it can't hurt. I don't know if there is a hidden game mechanic in Dom that forces a morale check on troops if their leader routs/dies, but that's what I'm used to in many other games. Force of habit.
And yes, please continue
Your wish is my command ... 

February 17th, 2004, 02:59 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Hmm, showing how unrest is going down (eventually) if left alone reminds me to add some info to my AAR where I am currently bloodhunting, otherwise this might give an wrong impression...

February 17th, 2004, 03:46 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Turn #20, Late Fall of Year 2
Pleasant surprises.
This month, no travellers bring word from afar of events in distant lands.
My suspicions bear fruit, well beyond my expectations, when the Norna Rimdriva, casting Acashic Record on the Well of All Waters not only discovers a hidden fire site, the Bronze Pillar (1F gem), but also finds the Forest of a Thousand Streams (1W & 1N gems). In addition to the new gem income, especially of fire gems from the Pillar, the Forest allows the recruitment of Enchantresses (1N & 3 random picks for 180g) who are "trained in elemental magics". I very much look forward to being able to buy, rather than summon, the air and earth mages I presently lack.
The priest Albrecht completes the temple in Ultima Typhia, and Urd completes the lab in the Well of All Waters (just in time to be able to recruit the newly-discovered Enchantresses). Ualgo arrives in Ultima Typhia with his half-score of fresh Jotun spearmen, which replenishes half of my army's recent casualties. Bdvar reports that (independent) Polgrave has roughly two-score amazons and a pair of gryphon riders. Oedre reports from Robber Home that Ashikaga has a mixed force there of about two-score yamabushi monks, light footmen, and aoi standard warriors, plus a light provincial defense. It appears that Ashikaga has concentrated most of its expansion to the mountains to their northwest. I am much relieved when Ashikaga elects to absorb the independent province of Saetica, and they may have lost as much as half of that army in the attack, which is doubly welcome news.
The number of dissenters declines by one in Eribon, Iron Range, and Bel (which has no more unrest). It declines by two in the Feral Woods.
The presence of my avatar in the Iron Range, along with the recent spate of temple construction in my realm, brings new inspiration so that the strength of the faithful rises to 60% in both the Iron Range and Jotunheim. Faith increases to 30% in Pythium and (independent) Saeborea, and 20% in Eribon, the Well of All Waters, and Ultima Typhia.
My magic researchers expect to achieve the sixth rank in 'Conjuration' magics next month. Research continues in the school.
My realm has:
- __6 Dominion max.
- __5 Temples
- _17 Provinces converted
- _10 Provinces controlled
- 451 Treasury.
- 692 Income. (+30)
- 212 Upkeep. (unchanged)
- 134 Resources in Jotunheim. (+1)
- 172 Resources in Pythium. (+10)
- 105 RPs (of 125 available at labs)
Gem income is:
- +1 Fire (16)
- +0 Air (--)
- +6 Water (14)
- +0 Earth (01)
- +5 Astral (05) (includes 2 Clams)
- +1 Death (07)
- +6 Nature (30)
I recruit a Seithkona and 3 Jotun spearman in Pythium, a Seithkona in Jotunheim, and my first Enchantress in the Well of All Waters. These preparations cost 450 coins.
I lower the tax rate in Eribon to 70% in order to appease the remaining ten dissenters there.
I have the Skratti Tunne forge another Clam of Pearls and I allot 10 water gems for the task. I have the Norna Skade begin a monthly ritual of Awakening Vine Ogres, at a cost of 1 nature gem per month. I feel that I can now both spare the nature gem and her RPs in order to bolster my forces with a pair of zero-supply (and zero-upkeep?) ogres per month, which are very useful as frontline fodder, and will save some wear and tear on my now-depleted Jotuns.
I send Oedre southwest from Robber Home to the independent coastal province of the Promised Land (#91), directly west of Ashikaga. I am curious as to why this forest/farmlands has yet to be annexed by them. I decide to send Bdvar northeast into Lake Crescent (#33, another VP spot), rather than continue his sweep southeast of Marignon. In Eribon, the priest Erkeborn continues to preach to the masses, as does Geiserik at the Well of All Waters. Bove, along with 33 Jotuns, will patrol Ultima Typhia this month to quell the remaining unrest there, while my prophet Grymis, along with Albrecht, will preach the faith. Ualgo is to return to the Alps, and then on to Jotunheim. Finally, my avatar will move into independent Zenthra on the coast just west of my capital, and where I already have strong dominion, and annex this Last bit of the Jotun Peninsula. Reports say that I may face roughly 50 light and heavy footmen, but it is my belief that the information is exaggerated.

February 17th, 2004, 05:42 PM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Turn #21, Early Winter of Year 2
Prelude to war.
This month, no travellers bring word from afar of events in distant lands.
Oedre reports from the Promised Land that the independents there muster two-score fanatics plus heavy and light footmen. This force devoid of cavalry or special creatures increases my puzzlement as to why Ashikaga has not conquered the province yet. Oedre also reports that Atlantis has moved onshore in the farmlands of Ministra (#81) just to the west. Bdvar's report from Lake Crescent shows a force of three-score heavy footemen, crossbowmen, and light footmen. On my western border with Ashikaga, their hero Li T'ieh-Kuai with less than a handful of troops has taken the coastal farmlands of Ancyrna, which borders my provinces (north to south) of Ultima Typhia, Pythium, Black Alps, Iron Range, and Zenthra. This act, plus the current vulnerability of their hero, spurs me to alter my short-term plans. I cannot allow Ashikaga this close to my largest fortress and the heart of my realm.
The Enchantress Pladina (1F2E1N) has joined my researchers at the Well of All Waters.
My realm has:
- __6 Dominion max.
- __5 Temples
- _19 Provinces converted
- 446 Treasury.
- 716 Income. (+24)
- 242 Upkeep. (+30)
- 139 Resources in Jotunheim. (+5)
- 174 Resources in Pythium. (+2)
- _11 Provinces controlled
- Jotunheim: Dom=6, PD=25, Unr=0
- Zenthra: Dom=6, PD=0, Unr=24
- Eribon: Dom=2, PD=7, Unr=0
- Gwyrth: Dom=3, PD=6, Unr=0
- Iron Range: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
- Black Alps: Dom=4, PD=2, Unr=0
- Bel: Dom=2, PD=2, Unr=0
- Pythium: Dom=4, PD=10, Unr=0
- Feral Woods: Dom=1, PD=1, Unr=1
- Ultima Typhia: Dom=4, PD=10, Unr=0
- Well of All Waters: Dom=2, PD=10, Unr=0
Gem income is:
- +1 Fire (17)
- +0 Air (--)
- +6 Water (10)
- +0 Earth (01)
- +6 Astral (10) (includes 3 Clams)
- +1 Death (08)
- +6 Nature (34)
Magical knowledge (stars denote schools being researched):
- 6-Conjuration*
- 3-Alteration
- 0-Evocation
- 4-Construction
- 3-Enchantment
- 0-Thaumaturgy
- 0-Blood Magic
- 120 RPs (of 145 available at labs)
I recruit 5 Jotun spearman and a Scout in Pythium, 3 Jotun spearman in Jotunheim, and another Enchantress in the Well of All Waters. I increase PD in the Black Alps by 1 and raise 2 provincial defenders in Zenthra. These preparations completely drain the treasury of all 446 coins.
I lower the tax rate in Zenthra to 0% in order to quell the unrest (24) there.
I have the Skratti Tunne forge another Clam of Pearls and I allot 10 water gems for the task. The Norna Skade will summon a Firbolg using the ritual of Awaken Sleeper, at a cost of 10 nature gems.
I send Oedre southwest from the Promised Land into Ministra to scout the extent of the Atlantian invasion of land. Bdvar moves further northeast into Moon Lake (#38, another VP spot). The priest Albrecht, unable to contribute further towards raising the faith in Ultima Typhia, is sent east to Bel. In Eribon, the priest Erkeborn continues to preach to the masses, as does Geiserik at the Well of All Waters.
My prophet Grymis, in command of my main army of 33 Jotuns, along with Bove, is ordered to capture the Ashikagan coastal farm province of Saetica. This will cut off the retreat of the Ashikagans in Ancyrna should this battle take place before that in Ancyrna. Saetica has about a score of mobile troops, plus whatever small amount of PD may have been raised in the two months prior to my attack, and I do not anticipate any problems defeating them. My avatar will strike northeastwards at Ancyrna from Zenthra, while the Seithkona Sigrdriva and a bodyguard of 3 newly-recruited Jotun spearmen will strike westwards from Pythium. In preparation, I transfer a Lucky Coin and an Amulet of Antimagic to her via lab from Urd's possession (at the Well). If I am exceptionally fortunate, I may catch the Ashikagan hero napping and kill him before he can escape.
[ February 18, 2004, 00:22: Message edited by: Arryn ]

February 18th, 2004, 03:18 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Turn #22, Winter of Year 2
Easy victories.
This month, no travellers bring word from afar of events in distant lands.
Someone discovers a pair of earth gems in a ravine in Bel, while the tax collection has unexpected success in the Feral Woods bringing a bonus 100g into the treasury this month.
Jorgun and Sigrdriva upon arriving in Ancyrna encounter local defenders of six samurai led by a Hatamoto, and a visiting Mahotsukai Adept. The wyrm, after casting all his preparatory spells, makes short work of all the samurai and both leaders. The mage is particularly tasty. My avatar adds 2 more kills and 6 more trophies to his tally from this brief battle. Unfortunately, it appears that the Ashikagan hero has retreated back to their capital, which appears to contain a defending force of 30 ashigaru spearmen and yamabushi monks, as well as two-dozen or so samurai, led by the Ashikagan natarajan pretender.
Grymis and Bove, with my main army, encounter no resistance in their occupation of Saetica. Oedre, now in Atlantian-held Ministra, discovers the location of the Atlantian capital (#51). Bdvar reports from Moon Lake the presence of a mixed force of about two-score light footmen and crossbowmen.
The Enchantress Ulga (2A1W1N) has joined my researchers at the Well of All Waters. I now have casters with at least some skill in all four elements. Skade has summoned the Firbolg Rod at Jotunheim.
My realm has:
- __6 Dominion max.
- __5 Temples
- _19 Provinces converted
- 591 Treasury.
- 811 Income. (+95)
- 271 Upkeep. (+29)
- 141 Resources in Jotunheim. (+2)
- 184 Resources in Pythium. (+10)
- _13 Provinces controlled
- Jotunheim: Dom=6, PD=25, Unr=0
- Zenthra: Dom=6, PD=2, Unr=0
- Eribon: Dom=3, PD=7, Unr=0
- Gwyrth: Dom=3, PD=6, Unr=0
- Iron Range: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
- Saetica: Dom=-1, PD=0, Unr=13
- Black Alps: Dom=4, PD=3, Unr=0
- Ancyrna: Dom=3, PD=0, Unr=15
- Bel: Dom=2, PD=2, Unr=0
- Pythium: Dom=4, PD=10, Unr=0
- Feral Woods: Dom=1, PD=1, Unr=0
- Ultima Typhia: Dom=5, PD=10, Unr=0
- Well of All Waters: Dom=4, PD=10, Unr=0
Gem income is:
- +1 Fire (18)
- +0 Air (--)
- +6 Water (06)
- +0 Earth (03)
- +7 Astral (16) (includes 4 Clams)
- +1 Death (09)
- +6 Nature (31)
Magical knowledge (stars denote schools being researched):
- 6-Conjuration*
- 3-Alteration
- 0-Evocation
- 4-Construction
- 3-Enchantment
- 0-Thaumaturgy
- 0-Blood Magic
- 137 RPs (of 148 available at labs)
I recruit another Enchantress in the Well of All Waters. I increase PD in Zenthra, Gwyrth, Saetica, and Ancyrna to 10. These preparations drain the treasury of 576 coins.
I increase taxes in Zenthra back to 100%, while lowering them in Ancyrna to 50% in order to quell unrest in the newly-conquered land.
The Norna Skade resumes a monthly ritual of Awakening Vine Ogres, at a cost of 1 nature gem per month.
The priest Erkeborn, having done as much for the faith as he can, moves on to Ancyrna. Geiserik, his mission also complete, moves to the Feral Woods. I send Oedre northwest from Ministra into the Atlantian-held Rim Mountains (#88) to continue to scout the extent of their invasion of land. Bdvar moves further northeast into the independent wastes of Zanthrast (#43). Tahmar is sent to Saetica with 5 newly-recruited Jotun spearmen from Pythium. Rod the Firbolg heads for Ancyrna with 3 Jotun spearmen and 2 Vine Ogres. Rod the Scout, just recruited in Pythium, sneaks off to the Well on his way to the northern forests. Jorgun and Sigrdriva move from Ancyrna to join the rest of the army in Saetica. Bove takes over command of the 33 Jotuns in Saetica from Grymis and begins a patrol of the province to quell unrest, while Grymis begins building a temple (directly adjacent to the Ashikagan capital).

February 18th, 2004, 05:51 PM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
No one has any comments whatsoever about anything that's happened, or any of my decisions, since the fall of Pythium? I'm not trolling for compliments, mind you, but some occasional feedback on things you disagree with or actions you think were either questionable or very good would help. As would ideas on things I might have done or might yet do that I haven't thought of.
Thanks for your continued reading of the thread!
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