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Old February 23rd, 2004, 05:36 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Arryn:
Turn #28 in progress ...

overview (1280x1024)

Please note the location of provinces controlled by Ashikaga, Atlantis, Man, Ulm, and Vanheim.
Pardon my lack of experience, Arryn, but what type of unit is "Rod" (the spear-holding, lion-like commander) in the screenshot you've given?
I agree with the realistic Irishman who said he preferred to prophesy *after* the event.
-- G.K. Chesterton
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Old February 23rd, 2004, 06:19 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by fahdiz:
Pardon my lack of experience, Arryn, but what type of unit is "Rod" (the spear-holding, lion-like commander) in the screenshot you've given?
" I send Rod the Firbolg and his army back to Hoburgdorf,.."

AWAKEN SLEEPER - conj5, nature3

[ February 23, 2004, 16:20: Message edited by: Arralen ]
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...
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Old February 23rd, 2004, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Thank you.

That's what I get for not reading for quite a while.

[ February 23, 2004, 16:40: Message edited by: fahdiz ]
I agree with the realistic Irishman who said he preferred to prophesy *after* the event.
-- G.K. Chesterton
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Old February 23rd, 2004, 08:04 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by PDF:
Nice.. Where did you get the Shield/Flag mod ? I want it !!
If you scroll backwards to just before the turn #27 post you'll find a link to Unwise's Flag mod.

NOTE: For anyone who plays with the Ashikaga mod, in v2.0 Potatoman included an icon I made (with an authentic japanese mon) that is compatible with the Unwise mod. The instructions on switching to it are in the descriptive text portion of the "samurai.dm" file.
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Old February 23rd, 2004, 08:33 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by CharonJr:
Well, to me it looks like there is/was quite a lot of fighting between the AIs since this seems to be the most likely explanation of this patchwork of provinces to your west (unless the single provinces are conntected in the uncharted portion of the map).
I am convinced that Man is at war with both Atlantis and Vanheim. I do not know whether Vanheim is at war with Atlantis, but it's possible. It's also possible that Vanheim and/or Man may be at war with Ulm. R'leyh is offscreen to the upper right on the map, and it's even possible that the squids could be at war with Ulm if Ulm extends far enough to the east.
If this is the case you have an interesting decision to make, strengthen your position while letting the AIs slug it out and attack the AI who is getting the upper hand or step in as soon as you have finished with the samurais while ignoring the unclaimed indie provinces.
I've been pondering this question for the past few turns ever since I discovered that Man and Atlantis were going after each other. Man is the weaker of the two, but they are no threat to me. Atlantis is a threat, and their dominion is infringing on me, but they've been busy with Man and have left me in peace. The problem with attacking Atlantis would be that I would have to build magic items and/or do summons specifically for this purpose, which would slow my expansion on land. Vanheim is still questionable. They are a tough nation, and I do not know where their capital is yet. So my choice, as I see it, is to either attack Man, or go for the indies just to my north and east. I may do both. I plan to begin after I've begun the seige of Ashikaga. Ashikaga will take quite a while as they have a 350-point citadel. I plan to pile large numbers of Jotuns there, with many priests equipped with Wine Bags. And send my wyrm to play with the indies while that's going on.
BTW, what would be your guess (unless you know it from the score-graphs anyway) about the relativ power of the AIs left in the game ?
  • 1. Van
  • 2. Pan
  • 3. Utgard (me)
  • 4. Atlantis, Mictlan (tied)
  • 6. Ulm
  • 7. Marignon
  • 8. Arco
  • 9. R'leyh
  • 1. Marignon
  • 2. Utgard (me)
  • 3. Atlantis, Pan (tied)
  • 5. Van
  • 6. Ulm
  • 7. Machaka
  • 8. Arco
  • 9. Abysia
Army size:
  • 1. Van
  • 2. Atlantis
  • 3. Pan
  • 4. Arco
  • 5. Ulm
  • 6. Mictlan
  • 7. R'leyh
  • 8. Marignon
  • 9. Utgard (me)

I am #1 on the other graphs, by a sizeable lead.

[ February 23, 2004, 19:53: Message edited by: Arryn ]
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Old February 25th, 2004, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Turn #28, Summer of Year 3
A bleak summer for Ashikaga.

This month, no travellers bring word from afar of events in distant lands.

In Kepess, which proves to be the final Ashikagan-held province other than their capital, my wyrm has at Last cornered the elusive Ashikagan hero Li T'ieh-Kuai. With this immortal is a senin master, a hatamoto, 2 samurai horsemen, 1 tribal cavalry, 6 samurai swordsmen, 12 ashigaru spearmen, and a yamabushi monk. Throughout the one-sided battle, as Jorgun snacks on samurai, ashigaru, and fine horseflesh, Li T'ieh-Kuai tries to Paralyze my avatar no fewer than 8 times, without success. The Ashikagans, including all three leaders, finally rout after the wyrm eats the Last of the horsemen. It avails them naught as they are killed ignominiously as they flee through territory under my control. Thus ends the current incarnation of Li T'ieh-Kuai. I expect that I shall be seeing him again, in a few months, when my armies beseige Ashikaga itself. Jorgun adds 12 more kills and 13 more trophies to his record from this most recent battle. I am very pleased in my unbroken series of successes, and in learning that the Ashikagans had already discovered two magical sites within the province. One is a Painted Cave (1 astral pearl) and the other is Glen of Verdant Greenery (1 nature gem).

Contrary to my expectations, Ashikaga refrains from conducting any raids against me this month. It appears that months of repeated bloody losses have taken their toll and they no longer desire to continue expending their brave men in futile gestures. Rod the Scout reports approximately 70 heavy footmen, archers, and fanatics in the independent farmlands of Summerlands. Bdvar spots about a half-score reef warriors and spearmen in the Atlantian-controlled plains of Namor. Vanheim is in possession of the forest of Illidar (#87), and the wastes of Agenor (#114). I had thought that Man was only at war with Atlantis, but it appears that they have a much larger foe in Vanheim as well. If the Vans continue to expand, at the pace they have for the past few months, it may prove difficult to attack Man without going through Atlantis, or worse, Vanheim lands first.

My researchers achieve mastery of the sixth circle of Construction magics, and the fourth circle in Enchantments. The magical items that will be necessary to boost Skade's skill from the current 3N to the 5N required by the Gift of Health ritual can now be forged. It is expected that the fifth circle in Enchantments (which allows Gift of Health) will be reached in the coming month.

My realm has:
  • ___7 Dominion max.
  • __10 Temples
  • __26 Provinces converted
  • _712 Treasury.
  • 1130 Income. (+42)
  • _367 Upkeep. (+17)
  • _141 Resources in Jotunheim. (unchanged)
  • _196 Resources in Pythium. (unchanged)
  • 18 Provinces controlled
  • Jotunheim: Dom=7, PD=25, Unr=0
  • Zenthra: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Eribon: Dom=3, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Gwyrth: Dom=3, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Iron Range: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Saetica: Dom=-1, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Black Alps: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Ancyrna: Dom=2, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Bel: Dom=2, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Pythium: Dom=5, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Robber Home: Dom=-3, PD=20, Unr=2
  • Hoburgdorf: Dom=1, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Feral Woods: Dom=2, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Ultima Typhia: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Well of All Waters: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Kepess: Dom=1, PD=0, Unr=12
  • Melma: Dom=2, PD=20, Unr=1
  • Herghendorf: Dom=-1, PD=20, Unr=0

Gem income is:
  • +_2 Fire (04)
  • +_0 Air (--)
  • +_6 Water (12)
  • +_3 Earth (05)
  • +13 Astral (28) (includes 7 Clams)
  • +_2 Death (02)
  • +_8 Nature (39)

Magical knowledge (stars denote schools being researched):
  • 7-Conjuration
  • 3-Alteration
  • 0-Evocation*
  • 6-Construction
  • 4-Enchantment*
  • 0-Thaumaturgy
  • 0-Blood Magic
  • 167 RPs (of 189 available at labs)

I recruit another 6 Jotun spearman in Pythium, and I raise 15 provincial defenders in Kepess. These preparations drain the treasury of 300 coins.

Having eliminated most of the unrest in Melma and Robber Home, I raise the taxes in these two provinces back to normal, while reducing taxes to zero in Kepess.

The Norna Skade forges a Moonvine Bracelet, at a cost of 20 nature gems and 5 astral pearls. The Skratti Tunne forges another Clam of Pearls, and I allot 10 water gems for the task.

Erkeborn begins building a temple in Robber Home, while Gunderik does likewise in Melma. Geiserik, in Herghendorf, preaches. Clodomir and Gunthamun preach in Saetica, while Donner, Adaloald, and Albrecht preach in Hoburgdorf. Ualgo heads back to Pythium to pick up the next batch of reinforcements. In Pythium, Tahmar and the priest Konrad head to Saetica with a half-dozen Jotuns in tow. Rod the Firbolg and his army, in Hoburgdorf, go back to Saetica to rendezvous with the reinforcements from Pythium. Bove patrols Robber Home for another month, while Grymis continues to preach there. Bdvar heads into Illidar, and Rod the Scout continues southeastwards into the forested farmlands of Pirenna (#112). Oedre remains ensconced atop the Rim Mountains and my wyrm Jorgun moves east to Robber Home.

[ February 26, 2004, 05:31: Message edited by: Arryn ]
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Old February 25th, 2004, 10:54 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Turn #29 in progress ...

overview (1280x1024)

Please note the location of provinces controlled by Atlantis, Man, Ulm, and Vanheim.

[ February 28, 2004, 21:30: Message edited by: Arryn ]
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Old February 26th, 2004, 05:53 PM

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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Another reader and newbie here. (I've been playing the demo for a week or so; full Version arriving today.) This AAR has definitely been a helpful eye-opener in terms of what "real" strategies are. I have found that the complexity of the turn reports has been getting worse in the Last six or so, but I'm not sure how you could simplify it...
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Old February 26th, 2004, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Sand:
Another reader and newbie here. (I've been playing the demo for a week or so; full Version arriving today.) This AAR has definitely been a helpful eye-opener in terms of what "real" strategies are.
Great! Another Dom convert, and another fan of my AAR. Cool. I'm pleased that you find the postings useful to you. That means I'm succeeding at what I intended. As for my playing style being a "real" strategy, it's real only insofar as I'm not a Dom expert and I've made (and continue to make) mistakes. I'll be mentioning my most recent one in my next turn post, coincidently. But one of the things that I think make AARs useful is seeing how players overcome the mistakes they make (assuming they do overcome them).

What would be truly educational is an AAR of a MP game, written after the fact by the multiple participants. MP games are quite a bit different, strategically-speaking, than SP games vs. the AI. The slow, methodical expansion I'm doing in this AAR would get me killed off, quickly, in MP. What units you build and, more importantly, what you research changes markedly when you play in MP. Not quite so much for Jotuns, but much more so for other nations.

Stay tuned, and thanks again for reading and posting.
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Old February 27th, 2004, 04:36 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Turn #29, Late Summer of Year 3

This month, no travellers bring word from afar of events in distant lands. And for the first time since the Ascension Wars began, there is no unrest anywhere within the provinces under my control.

Rod the Scout reports a score of light and heavy footmen, plus crossbowmen, in the independent farmlands of Pirenna. Bdvar spots seven woodsmen in the Vanheim-controlled forest of Illidar. Man captures (or recaptures) the wastes of Agenor from Vanheim, confirming my impression that Man is fighting a two-front war.

My researchers achieve mastery of the fifth circle of Enchantment magics. Forging and hording of nature gems continue in preparation for the casting of the first of my intended global magics, that which will bestow the Gift of Health to all my people, in a few months time.

My realm has:
  • ___7 Dominion max.
  • __12 Temples
  • __28 Provinces converted
  • _761 Treasury.
  • 1166 Income. (+36)
  • _379 Upkeep. (+12)
  • _141 Resources in Jotunheim. (unchanged)
  • _196 Resources in Pythium. (unchanged)
  • 18 Provinces controlled
  • Jotunheim: Dom=7, PD=25, Unr=0
  • Zenthra: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Eribon: Dom=3, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Gwyrth: Dom=4, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Iron Range: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Saetica: Dom=0, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Black Alps: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Ancyrna: Dom=2, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Bel: Dom=2, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Pythium: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Robber Home: Dom=-2, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Hoburgdorf: Dom=2, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Feral Woods: Dom=2, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Ultima Typhia: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Well of All Waters: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Kepess: Dom=1, PD=15, Unr=0
  • Melma: Dom=2, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Herghendorf: Dom=0, PD=20, Unr=0

Gem income is:
  • +_2 Fire (06)
  • +_0 Air (--)
  • +_6 Water (08)
  • +_3 Earth (08)
  • +14 Astral (36) (includes 8 Clams)
  • +_2 Death (04)
  • +_8 Nature (28)

Magical knowledge (stars denote schools being researched):
  • 7-Conjuration
  • 3-Alteration
  • 0-Evocation*
  • 6-Construction
  • 5-Enchantment
  • 0-Thaumaturgy*
  • 0-Blood Magic
  • 182 RPs (of 193 available at labs)

I recruit another 6 Jotun spearman in Pythium, and Priests in Melma, Robber Home, Herghendorf, Saetica, and Ultima Typhia. I increase the PD of Kepess by 5 (to 20). I recruit a "blue" Wizard in the Black Alps. I'm hoping to get another N2 caster (1 in 4 chance), and this is the cheapest way (besides empowering/equipping a Seithkona). I also recruit scouts in Gwyrth, Eribon, Pythium, and Hoburgdorf. These preparations drain the treasury of 740 coins.

With the unrest in Kepess eliminated I raise the taxes there back to normal.

The Norna Lit forges a Starshine Skullcap, at a cost of 10 astral pearls. I do this in preparation to be able to have a Ring of Sorcery forged next month, the Last item that will be needed for the Norna Skade to be able to invoke the ritual of the Gift of Health the month after. Sade forges a Lightless Lantern, for which I allot 5 of the 6 fire gems in the treasury, to help speed my magical research.

Gunderik preaches in Melma, Erkeborn preaches in Robber Home, Geiserik preaches in Herghendorf, Adaloald preaches in Hoburgdorf, and Gunthamun preaches in Saetica. Tahmar heads back to Pythium for the next batch of recruits, while Ualgo, with a half-dozen Jotuns in tow, heads out from Pythium to Hoburgdorf.

I converge on Ashikaga from three sides:
  • from Saetica - Rod the Firbolg, with 23 Jotun spearmen + 8 Vine ogres + 4 Jotun huskarls (as bodyguards), positioned in the center of the battlefield 1/4 of the way from rear-to-front, to allow time for castings (Rod has a Charcoal Shield, Horror Helm, and a Bag of Wine); Konrad the Priest, with 3 Jotun Spearmen (as bodyguards), in the center far rear (he carries a Sceptre of Authority, Horror Helm, and a Bag of Wine); Clodomir the Priest, with 3 Jotun Spearmen (as bodyguards), in the center far rear (he carries a Bag of Wine).
  • from Hoburgdorf - Albrecht the Priest, with 5 Jotun Spearmen (as bodyguards), in the center far rear (he carries a Sceptre of Authority and a Bag of Wine); Donner the Priest, with 5 Jotun Spearmen (as bodyguards), in the center far rear (he carries a Sceptre of Authority).
  • from Robber Home - Bove the Herse, with no troops, positioned on the right edge of the battlefield 1/4 of the way from rear-to-front (Bove has a Charcoal Shield, Horror Helm, and Amulet of Antimagic); Grymis the (Gode) Prophet, with 18 Jotun spearmen + 3 Jotun axemen and 2 Vine ogres (as bodyguards), he is at the far rear center, his troops are positioned in the center of the battlefield 1/4 of the way from rear-to-front (Grymis has a Lucky Coin and Amulet of Antimagic).
A sizeable force of 7 commanders and 45 giants/ogre frontline troops (does not count bodyguards in the rear), which should crush the expected opposition of two-score ashigaru spearmen, samurai bowmen, and samurai horsemen.

Jorgun, my wyrm avatar, moves from Robber Home into The Promised Land, where I expect some three-score fanatics, and heavy and light footmen.

My wyrm should have attacked Barra or The Promised Land on Last turn's orders rather than move into Robber Home. I had been intending to use him in the forthcoming assault on Ashikaga, but I'm positive he won't be needed there, given how many troops I have amassed in the three provinces surrounding Ashikaga. I only came to realize it on this turn when I plotted my unit's moves and planned the attack. This is what happens when you fail to think 1-2 turns ahead, and also fail to adequately study the strategic situation. This oversight/mistake will cost me some income (from not having captured the indy provinces sooner), and more importantly, it delays my wyrm's movement eastwards by 2 months.

In my haste to get this turn finally written up and posted, I forget to move any of my scouts. Sigh. Not a big mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. Always do a CTRL-N before you end a turn!

[ February 27, 2004, 09:52: Message edited by: Arryn ]
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