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Old March 12th, 2004, 09:26 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Turn #38, Late Spring of Year 4
Dust to dust.

Part 2 of 2

I raise the PD in Ancyna by 2 (to 20), in Zenthra by 3 (to 20), in Agenor to 9, in Man to 20, and in Ivenmoor to 20. A new lab is to be built in Ancyrna, and a new temple in Man. These preparations drain the treasury of 961 coins.

Taxes are reduced to zero in Agenor to quell unrest.

The Ivy King Thomm continues a monthly ritual of Awakening Vine Ogres, at a cost of 1 nature gem each month. The Norna Rimdriva prepares to invoke the ritual of Acashic Record upon the province of Ivenmoor, for which I allot 25 of the astral pearls in the treasury. The Skratti Tunne, using a Dwarven Hammer, forges another Clam of Pearls, at a cost of only 7 water gems. The Enchantress Petrona forges Winged Boots, for which I allot 5 air gems. Two Garnet Priestesses each forge a Sceptre of Authority, using all 10 fire gems in the treasury. Two Seithkona each forge an Endless Bag of Wine, expending 10 nature gems.

My wyrm Jorgun will Teleport to Imictan, consuming the Last 2 astral pearls in the treasury. Imictan is reported to contain some 30 barbarians. Even twice that number should not present any problems. While I have little concern for any hostilities stemming from Ulm's recent acquisitions in provinces adjacent to Imictan, in the long run I cannot afford to just sit idly by and let my neighbors continue to grow in strength. It is better if I lay claim to the resources that these as-yet-independent provinces contain.

With that thought, I command that Swanuth the Firbolg, who is given the Winged Boots that were forged Last month, take command of a new army of 20 Jotun spearmen and 8 vine ogres in the Black Alps and that this army move to occupy the rich coastal farmlands of Saeborea, heading off any potential expansion of Atlantis or Arcoscephale into the eastern part of my realm. The commander Theag will move to Ancyrna to pick up the recently recruited Troglodytes there, while Tahmar moves back to Pythium.

The four priests in the Rim Mountains move to Agenor, as do three of the priests in Man, and commander Stark from Melma.

Rod the Firbolg, leading a company of 18 Jotun spearmen and a bodyguard of 5 vine ogres, along with 4 priests carrying Sceptres of Authority and with one vine ogre apiece as bodyguards, move northeast from Agenor to attack Vanheim's province of Gipha. Resistance is expected to amount to no more than a score of archers and light infantry.

Bove, commanding my largest Jotun army, will patrol Ivenmoor, while Grymis and the priest Erkeborn preach there. The other priest in Bove's army, Arnold, heads to Hoburgdorf.

Ualgo, with a half-dozen Jotuns (four of them still afflicted), moves from Herghendorf to rejoin Bove's army at Ivenmoor.

Turn #38 plotted movement (1178x1024)
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Old March 12th, 2004, 09:30 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

The start of Turn #39 ...

overview (1178x1024)
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Old March 12th, 2004, 08:38 PM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

It looks like you've finally decided to heed my warnings and do something about that Ulm problem. Meanwhile, your Vanheim infestation seems well under control. In the near future, at leisure, you may wish to expand eastward into the Independent provinces. This will enhance your general income and resources, without having to antagonize any of your neighbors. This is a good thing: One should never get so distracted by an ongoing war elsewhere that internal affairs are neglected. I find this to be a common failing among many of the people I've played against: They become so tunnel-visioned that their empire is neglected while they fight a war which nets them little profit with somebody else. Don't let this happen to you.
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Old March 12th, 2004, 08:55 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Ulm was not a problem. They are now, but that's of my own doing with my wyrm, as you will see when I get part 1 of turn 39 posted. My decision stemmed solely from economic, not military, considerations. As soon as I finish munching on some of the provinces to my immediate southeast (Saeborea was the first of three on my agenda), I intend to shift that army northwards and take the indies that are between R'leyh and my realm. The indies due east remain useful as a buffer against Vanheim's westward expansion, as well as Marignon's.

It's not so much a case of tunnel-vision as in not having the gem income to create instant armies as needed, and in having the bulk of my forces not in a position to gobble up the indies to my east and north. So I'll be doing that with my pretender, and with a secondary army I created just for the task.

You are too accustomed to playing Ermor and being able to raise armies quickly. Jotunheim requires more patience, and more thinking ahead of where you'll need the relatively small number of expensive and powerful troops you can muster. (R'leyh, with its expensive Illithids, has a similar situation.)

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you see what I do plan to do with that rather largish Jotun army in Ivenmoor ...

[ March 12, 2004, 19:04: Message edited by: Arryn ]
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Old March 12th, 2004, 09:04 PM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Arryn:
You are too accustomed to playing Ermor and being able to raise armies quickly. Jotunheim requires more patience, and more thinking ahead of where you'll need the relatively small number of expensive and powerful troops you can muster. (R'leyh, with its expensive Illithids, has a similar situation.
Just because I'm an Ermorian, I'm impatient and don't know how to think ahead and use expensive but powerful troops? That's racial profiling, I tell you!

An Ermorian army certainly CAN raise quickly, but you don't really have any real control of this. Furthermore, the troops tend to be mostly worthless and die en-masse even if you win the battle. That kind of attrition can quickly grind your advance to a halt unless you're feeding in a steady supply of fresh fodder. And all your troops are fodder.

I've played a fair amount of Jotunheim, too: One of the nice things about Jotun is that against the kind of light Indies you're facing, a Jotunheim army can roll over the opposition with few if any losses.

Besides, I never said YOU were suffering from tunnel vision, merely that it was a problem that often afflicted other people.
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Old March 12th, 2004, 09:12 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Norfleet:
Just because I'm an Ermorian, I'm impatient and don't know how to think ahead and use expensive but powerful troops? That's racial profiling, I tell you!
I distinctly recall a conversation we had, perhaps in private (it was some weeks ago), in which you did state you *are* impatient. Doth protest too much thy dubious innocence methinks.

As for Ermorian fodder, isn't it the whole point of having hordes of them that you can just mindlessly (pun and leg-pulling intended) throw them willy-nilly at your foe heedless of losses?
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Old March 12th, 2004, 09:35 PM

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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Arryn:
I distinctly recall a conversation we had, perhaps in private (it was some weeks ago), in which you did state you *are* impatient. Doth protest too much thy dubious innocence methinks.
No, patience, on a strategic level, is definitely not one of my shortcomings, especially due to my preference towards long-run strategies. Impatience is something I'm commonly accused of by people who don't understand me. I think you're thinking of somebody else, though. I don't recall saying that. Impatience is definitely not among my weaknesses, although senility might be.


As for Ermorian fodder, isn't it the whole point of having hordes of them that you can just mindlessly (pun and leg-pulling intended) throw them willy-nilly at your foe heedless of losses?
Why, yes, yes it is. Actually, I normally *DO* have a great aVersion to losses, and, in fact, Jotunheim or Vanheim more closely matches my "regular" style in every OTHER game. You can witness my loss-aVersion behavior coming to light in my attitude towards SC design.

However, Dominions II is the first game that's done the undead with a proper feel to them. Every other game has them JUST expensive enough that I become annoyed with their ineffectiveness and massive casualties. Dominions II, on the other hand, removes this. I don't even have to hire them anymore, I can just fling them at anything willy-nilly. That's kind of fun, too.

However, massive casualties DOES kind of slow down one's advance, as the entire mob gets wiped out sooner or later.

Finally, the *TRUE* selling point, to me, of Ermor, is ORDER. I am a man of orderliness. I like my things to be kept in order, and I value permanence. While a thriving, happy empire is certainly one brand of order that I often pursue in other games, few things can beat the orderliness of Ermor: A world laid entirely to burnination, consisting of 0 population throughout. THAT is definitely clean and orderly. And permanent. After all, cleanliness is next to godliness, and isn't godliness the entire point of Dominions II?

As my sig says....
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Old March 13th, 2004, 12:06 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Turn #39, Early Summer of Year 4
Growing pains.

Part 1 of 2

This month, no travellers bring word from afar of events in distant lands.

Rimdriva's Acashic Record ritual upon Ivenmoor reveals three(!) magical sites: the Azure Academy (1 water gem), where Azure Mages (2W, 100g) & Initiates (1W, 60g) may be recruited (in the accompanying lab); the Sun Ridge (2 fire gems), with accompanying watch tower fortification, and a Farm of Plenty (+25 supply).

The level of supply in Ivenmoor is only sufficient for roughly 45% of my army there, so starvation, disease, and opportunistic afflictions run rampant amongst the troops. I am appalled to think what the situation would be like without the Gift of Health, as over half this army is afflicted in spite of it.

Again I sense a powerful ripple in the magical weave of the world. The sudden concentration of astral magics from the realm of Mictlan loudly bespeaks of their having undertaken the ritual of Stellar Focus. I am untroubled by this event, since it does not affect my realm, and Mictlan is my ally of circumstance in our mutual conflict with Vanheim.

Vanheim summons a score of Black Hawks using the ritual Call of the Winds to attack The Promised Land. As in previous months, the defending Jotun militia easily eat the fowl assault, with much appreciation. I am very pleased to see my foe expend five precious air gems per month in such futile gestures.

Jorgun Teleports to Imictan directly into a battle with three dozen barbarians, plus their leader. Seventeen of the savages manage to escape my wyrm's feast, never to be seen again.

Marignon attacks the 30+ amazons of Polgrave (who also have a Garnet Priestess, a Garnet Sorceress, and two gryphon riders) with a force of a score of flagellants led by a witch hunter, and a mixed force of ten pikeneers and eight light infantry led by an inquisitor. The riders suicide against the pikes, but the amazons in turn slaughter all the flagellants. When the savage ladies reach the ranks of the pikes and infantry, the army of Marignon routs after losing three of the infantrymen. Marignon suffers a few more losses of infantry and pike as they flee from the rapidly pursuing amazons.

Swanuth the Firbolg, commanding an army of 20 Jotun spearmen and 8 vine ogres, attacks the independent defenders of Saeborea, which muster 2 mounted commanders, 1 priest, 21 heavy cavalry, 19 heavy infantry, and 4 fanatics. The Gift of Health, made strong by my dominion in this province, provides an 80% boost to the health of the Jotuns (+24HPs), allowing them to take the cavalry charge with ease. Swanuth, at the beginning of the battle, immediately flew behind the cavalry to disrupt the enemy's plans and draw their commanders into battle. In the image below, you can see the situation several rounds into the battle with Swanuth having just slain the second (and Last) mounted commander. The first is already fleeing from Swanuth's helm-generated aura of fear, and the priest was slain a few moments before. Sending the firbolg alone into the enemy rear was a calculated risk that in this instance paid off in greatly reducing the amount of damage the Jotuns absorbed before the enemy fled. Swanuth did receive a chest wound, and lost two-thirds of his health, before winning the fray. Were it not for the Gift of Health he would have died from the number of hits he took.
Caelum attacks Vanheim in Emryc. Caelum musters their Vampire Queen pretender, 3 ghosts, 6 lamias, and 10 wingless against the defenders who can only muster 2 herse, 1 heavy cavalry, 7 light cavalry, 5 huskarls, and 4 barbarians. The Caelum pretender, after a few defensive preparatory spells, summons 4 Ghost Wolves each round for the remainder of the short conflict, as the Van forces are no match even for the lamias and ghosts Caelum began the battle with.

Ulm attacks Jorgun in the province of Imictan, having expected to encounter only independents. Ulm fields a commander of Ulm, 1 heavy cavalryman, 5 black plate infantry (w/shields), 4 black plate infantry (flail), 19 assorted infantry of Ulm, 8 heavy infantry, 18 barbarians, 10 amazons, 3 light infantry, 19 crossbowman, and 8 archers. My wyrm begins the battle with a large amount of health (406HP), due to the combined effects of dominion and Gift of Health bonuses, and a very impressive regeneration rate of 41HPs which makes him nigh-invincible to anything but magic, which the Ulmish force completely lacks. Against this living scaley juggernaut is an Ulmish army that is suffering from extensive starvation, and averages just 6-7 morale (and only 3-4 amongst the missile troops). First to become wyrm-food is the lone horseman, who reaches my avatar after Jorgun has completed all (4 rounds of) preparatory spellcasting. Next up on the dinner menu is a course of barbarian stew, flavored with amazon, and with a side helping of infantry. For dessert, a light portion of missileers awaits. By the end of the battle, when Ulm has had their fill of filling my wyrm's stomach, Jorgun has accounted for 41 of the 95 Ulmish troops. (Killing 1 heavy cavalryman, 4 assorted infantry of Ulm, 1 heavy infantry, all 18 barbarians, 6 amazons, 2 light infantry, 7 crossbowman, and 2 archers.) Jorgun, in the carnage of two battles this month, accrues another 56 kills and 42 trophies to his fame.
Rod the Firbolg, leading a company of 18 Jotun spearmen and a bodyguard of 5 vine ogres, along with 4 priests carrying Sceptres of Authority and with one vine ogre apiece as bodyguards, attacks Vanheim's province of Gipha. The meager 4 PD is easily overhwelmed. Upon occupying the province, I learn that Vanheim had discovered a magical site, a BLasted Heath (2 air gems). Reducing Van's magical air income, and adding it to my own, is a double blessing.

Mictlan attacks Vanheim in Ragdan. Mictlani forces: 2 Mictlan priests, 1 fiend of darkness, 1 spine devil, 13 eagle warriors, 5 warriors, 2 slaves, and 1 blood slave. Van forces: PD of 2, plus a mobile army of 1 commander, 3 heavy infantry, and 12 light infantry. The Vans are annihilated, but it costs Mictlan 8 of their eagle warriors.

Ulm attacks Pangaea in Nicia. Ulmish forces: 1 commander of Ulm, 4 black plate infantry (flail), 2 infantry of Ulm (w/shield), 4 barbarians, 1 light infantry, 9 crossbowmen, 2 archers, and 4 sappers. Panaean forces: 1 centaur commander, 6 satyrs, and 3 harpies. A victory by Ulm is a foregone conclusion. Only the centaur and a single satyr escape.

A brief recap of the strategic situation on Orania is in order. The following are ongoing wars that I know about for certain:
  • Abysia vs. Machaka. (Machakan capital beseiged)
  • Ulm vs. Pangaea ... and now Jotunheim.
  • Vanheim vs. Atlantis, Caelum, Jotunheim, and Mictlan.
Atlantis may also be at war with Arcoscephale, and/or R'leyh, as I have witnessed large armies of theirs move southwards, never to be seen again. As of this month, I have surpassed Pangaea in number of provinces, and I have tied Vanheim for the #1 position. I lead all other categories by a significant margin, excepting army size, in which I rank #5 (up from #8 Last time I looked).

My researchers achieve mastery of the seventh level of Construction.

My realm has:
  • ___9 Dominion max.
  • __23 Temples
  • __43 Provinces converted
  • 1077 Treasury.
  • 1770 Income. (+130)
  • _664 Upkeep. (unchanged)
  • 28 Provinces controlled
  • Saeborea: Dom=5, PD=0, Unr=39
  • Jotunheim: Dom=9, PD=25, Unr=0
  • Zenthra: Dom=7, PD=20, Unr=2
  • Eribon: Dom=4, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Gwyrth: Dom=8, PD=17, Unr=0
  • Iron Range: Dom=6, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Saetica: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Black Alps: Dom=8, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Rim Mountains: Dom=3, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Ancyrna: Dom=6, PD=20, Unr=0
  • The Promised Land: Dom=2, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Bel: Dom=4, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Ashikaga: Dom=3, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Pythium: Dom=8, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Barra: Dom=5, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Robber Home: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Hoburgdorf: Dom=7, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Man: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=10
  • Feral Woods: Dom=9, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Ultima Typhia: Dom=8, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Well of All Waters: Dom=8, PD=10, Unr=0
  • Agenor: Dom=0, PD=9, Unr=10
  • Kepess: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Melma: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Herghendorf: Dom=2, PD=20, Unr=0
  • Imictan: Dom=5, PD=0, Unr=15
  • Gipha: Dom=1, PD=0, Unr=11
  • Ivenmoor: Dom=1, PD=20, Unr=0

Gem income is:
  • +_8 Fire (08)
  • +_7 Air (08)
  • +11 Water (18)
  • +_7 Earth (22)
  • +24 Astral (23) (includes 17 Clams)
  • +_3 Death (07)
  • +11 Nature (14)

Magical knowledge (stars denote schools being researched):
  • 7-Conjuration
  • 3-Alteration
  • 7-Evocation
  • 7-Construction*
  • 6-Enchantment
  • 5-Thaumaturgy
  • 0-Blood Magic
  • 347 RPs (of 408 available at labs)

To be continued in Part 2 ...

[ March 13, 2004, 18:14: Message edited by: Arryn ]
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Old March 13th, 2004, 10:15 PM

Gateway103 Gateway103 is offline
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Question regarding regeneration. Does it only work when the unit is below its base HP?

I ask this because in my recent Orania SP game as Atlantis (V2.06), I also used a Wyrm. However, it doesn't seem to regenerate during battle. That is, say I check at the beginning of the battle that it has 323 HP, regen of 32 per turn. A few turns later, it took some damage and dropped to 277 say. It stayed at 277 until the enemy routs (hard to say if it regenerates in between, with all the fighiting, but unlikely as enemies are also unlikely to cause exactly 32 damage every turn).

So now my pretender is simply chasing down the routing armies, without them fighting back. IT took several turns before the enemy routed, and each turn I check my pretender and find it always at 277 HP.

Another unrelated queston. I wished for Doom Horrors, GoR them, then I send them into battle. They will attack on first turn, then usually do nothing the second turn and/or third turn, and sporadically attack the enemies for the following turns regardless of enemy types (even militias). This seemed rather strange, as they have no encumberance and always fatique at 0, so they can't be unconscious. Is this how they are suppose to be? Never seem other units behave this way...

Sorry for going OT on your AAR Arryn. Keep up the good work... tasty Ulmish troops, the wyrm must have very strong stomach acid to digest all the metals ^_^

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Old March 14th, 2004, 12:53 AM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Gateway103:
Sorry for going OT on your AAR Arryn. Keep up the good work... tasty Ulmish troops, the wyrm must have very strong stomach acid to digest all the metals ^_^
It's like eating a lobster. You crack them open, and then suck the insides out of the shell. Actually, I'm not a huge lobster fan.

I suppose now it's time for me to point out, "I told you so." I told you Ulm was up to no good.
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